State Representative
Samantha Steckloff
Farmington Hills | 19th House District
Serving 90,931 constituents in N/NW Southfield (Beverly Hills, Franklin), NE/N/NW/central Farmington Hills, SW Birmingham, S/SW Bloomfield Township
(517) 373-3920
Office: CB-373
Samantha Steckloff IN THE NEWS
House Democrats introduce legislation to protect Michigan workers
Recently introduced legislation would restore prevailing wage LANSING, Mich., April 5, 2021— House Democrats have introduced a series of [...]
Steckloff Supports Bicameral Equal Pay Legislation
In observance of Equal Pay Day, a bicameral coalition of Michigan Democratic legislators led by members of the Progressive Women’s [...]
House Democrats Oppose Leaving Relief Funding in D.C.
House Republicans continue to prolong COVID-19 pandemic by refusing to put all federal stimulus dollars into action LANSING —Democrats released [...]