Democratic Floor Leader
John Fitzgerald
Wyoming | 83rd House District
Serving 91,341 constituents in SW Grand Rapids and Wyoming
(517) 373-0835
Office: 141 Capitol Building
John Fitzgerald IN THE NEWS
Legislators Introduce Personal Property Tax Amendments
LANSING, Mich. May 15, 2023 — State Reps. Denise Mentzer (D-Mt. Clemens) and John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming), alongside state Sen. Kevin [...]
Fitzgerald Joins Attorney General to Connect with West Michigan Community
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., May 15, 2023 — State Rep. John Fitzgerald (D-Wyoming) and Attorney General Dana Nessel visited several local [...]
Fitzgerald Supports a Robust House Budget; Passes the House
LANSING, Mich., May 11, 2023 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed its recommended fiscal 2023-24 state and school aid [...]