Rep. Witwer’s Enews Archive

Rep. Witwer’s Enews Archive2022-12-27T12:27:59-05:00

Weekly Wrap-up With Witwer

April 14, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Please join me for my in-person Weekly Wrap-up With Witwer tomorrow, Friday, April 15, at 11 a.m. at The Brew Cafe at 610 N. Creyts Road in Lansing. To stay connected with updates [...]

Capitol and Community Update

March 21, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Welcome to my latest e-newsletter! I can’t wait to share with you some of my big legislative wins: First, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed another one of my bills into law! House [...]

CANCELED: Weekly Wrap-Up With Witwer

March 8, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Due to some important legislative activity I have going on in the Capitol (I’ll have more news for you soon), I unfortunately have to cancel this week’s in-person Weekly Wrap-Up With [...]

Weekly Wrap-Up With Witwer

February 24, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Please join me for my in-person Weekly Wrap-Up With Witwer tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 25, at 11 a.m. at the Charlotte Community Library, 226 S. Bostwick St. in Charlotte. To stay connected with updates about the [...]

Weekly Wrap-Up With Witwer

February 24, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Please join me for my in-person Weekly Wrap-Up With Witwer tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 25, at 11 a.m. at the Charlotte Community Library, 226 S. Bostwick St. in Charlotte. To stay connected with updates about the [...]

Weekly Wrap-up With Witwer

February 17, 2022|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Please join me for my virtual Weekly Wrap-up with Witwer tomorrow, Friday, Feb. 18, at 11 a.m. You will find the event on my coffee hour event page on Facebook at that time, and no [...]

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