Rep. Byrnes’ Enews Archive

Rep. Byrnes’ Enews Archive2023-02-07T11:40:47-05:00

Voting Rights Town Hall

January 26, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, I am hosting a Voting Rights Town Hall on Monday, Jan. 29 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the cafeteria of Dearborn High School, 19501 W. Outer Drive in Dearborn. I will be discussing changes [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

January 12, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to be serving as your state representative for the 15th State House [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

December 8, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to serve as your new state representative for the 15th State House [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

November 9, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to be serving as your new state representative for the 15th House [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

October 6, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to be serving as your new state representative for the 15th House [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

September 1, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, This e-newsletter aims to keep you updated on the previous month’s activities in the Michigan House of Representatives. It’s an honor to be serving as your new state representative for the 15th State [...]

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