Portrait of State Representative Jasper Martus


Appropriations subcommittee on Agriculture and Rural Development and Natural Resources
Appropriations subcommittee on Environment, Great Lakes and Energy
Appropriations subcommittee on Health and Human Services (Majority Vice Chair)

Appropriations subcommittee on Labor and Economic Opportunity (Majority Vice Chair)
Appropriations subcommittee on Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Insurance and Financial Services

State Rep. Jasper R. Martus is serving his second term representing the 69th House District, which comprises Flushing — his hometown — Flushing Township, Clayton Township, Clio, Flint Township, Mount Morris, Mount Morris Township, Swartz Creek, Montrose and parts of Montrose Township and Vienna Township.

At an early age, he began working for Congressman Dan Kildee. During this time, he was able to interact with his community hands-on, learning the importance of a community always having an advocate in the room. Rep. Martus graduated from Michigan State University’s James Madison College with a degree in international relations and a minor in world religions. During his time as Michigan State, he worked for a number of state representatives. After graduating, he worked full-time as a communications advisor for the Michigan House Democrats.

Rep. Martus believes in the importance of representing the people he serves. His family and faith have instilled in him a commitment to helping others. This outlook is shaped by the hardworking and dedicated people of his community. His priorities include creating jobs to promote a flourishing economy; improving infrastructure in the community to ensure reliable travel for work and leisure; and advocating for Genesee County children by promoting an education system that prepares young people to get ahead in the modern economy.