Rep. Hope’s Enews Archive

Rep. Hope’s Enews Archive2022-12-27T12:25:48-05:00

Capitol and Community Update

February 24, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. Upcoming Event: Facebook Live Coffee Hour Please join me for a Facebook Live [...]

Capitol and Community Update

February 24, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. Upcoming Event: Facebook Live Coffee Hour Please join me for a Facebook Live [...]

Capitol and Community Update

February 17, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. Tomorrow: Veterans Listening Tour Please join my special guest state Rep. Julie M. [...]

Veterans Listening Tour

February 16, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Please join me, state Rep. Julie M. Rogers and Director Zaneta Adams of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency for a statewide veterans listening tour. We want to hear directly from the brave men [...]

Capitol and Community Update

February 9, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. Michigan’s Tampon Tax Repeal Takes Effect The bills repealing Michigan’s tampon tax (House [...]

Capitol and Community Update

February 2, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. House Passes $185 Million to Support Businesses Last Thursday, the House passed a [...]

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