Rep. Edwards’ Enews Archive

Rep. Edwards’ Enews Archive2023-08-22T11:22:09-04:00

Edward’s Community Forum Event

March 17, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, I will be hosting “The Stigma” open forum on Thursday, March 23, located at the St. Vincent & Sarah Fisher Center from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. This event is an opportunity for [...]

Capitol & Community Update

February 24, 2023|

Greetings Neighbors, My name is state Rep. Kimberly L. Edwards. I am so honored to be representing Michigan’s newly formed 12th House District in Lansing for the 102nd Legislature. Our district comprises parts of the [...]

Edwards Community Conversations: The Stigma

February 22, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, I will be hosting opportunities for community involvement through community conversations. These will include town halls, coffee hours and open forums. These will begin in early March. We will also be hosting “The [...]

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