Rep. Price’s Enews Archive

Rep. Price’s Enews Archive2023-03-14T12:18:03-04:00

Capitol and Community Updates

February 22, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, Welcome to the latest edition of my e-newsletter! Included in this issue are some important updates, along with a few resources I hope you find helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out [...]

Join me for my virtual town hall on Friday!

February 6, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, I want to remind you that my office is continuing monthly virtual town halls in addition to our regularly scheduled in-person community conversations. Our next virtual town hall will be on Friday, Feb. 9, [...]

Join me for a community conversation tonight!

January 29, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, I want to remind you that my office will start off the new year with a community conversation at Baldwin Public Library in Birmingham at 5:30 p.m. today, with special guest state Sen. [...]

Capitol and Community Updates

January 23, 2024|

Dear Neighbor, Welcome to the latest edition of my e-newsletter! Included in this issue are some important updates, along with a few resources I hope you find helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out [...]

Legislative and District Updates

December 28, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Welcome to the latest edition of my e-newsletter! Included in this issue are important updates, along with a few resources I hope you find helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out to [...]

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