Rep. Skaggs’ E-News Archive

Rep. Skaggs’ E-News Archive2023-11-15T13:17:24-05:00

Working for Michigan’s Seniors

April 19, 2024|

Dear Friend, Seniors have spent their careers building up our communities and preparing the way the next generation. Their work and wisdom continue to contribute to our social fabric, but it’s important to remember that [...]

Invite: Healthcare Policy Town Hall

January 24, 2024|

Dear Neighbor,  I would like to invite you to an exciting event our office is hosting soon. Please join me — State Rep. Phil Skaggs — and my special guest, State Rep. Carrie Rheingans for a Healthcare Policy Townhall.  [...]

Capitol and Community Updates

November 13, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, I am so excited to share with you what the Michigan House of Representatives has been working on these past few weeks. We in Lansing have been working diligently to get meaningful legislation [...]

Capitol and Community Updates

September 22, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, I am honored and humbled to be your state representative. As we return to the legislative session, I would like to share some of the great work we have done in the past [...]

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