Capitol and Community Update
Dear Neighbors, Welcome to my e-newsletter. This issue focuses on the recently signed state budget and my upcoming coffee hour. I’m deeply grateful to have the privilege to serve as representative for the [...]
Capitol and Community Update
Dear Neighbors, Welcome to my e-newsletter. This issue focuses on recent legislation I have introduced regarding environmental issues in our state, provides upcoming times to meet with me and covers other relevant information for [...]
Capitol and Community Update
Dear Neighbors, Welcome to my e-newsletter! I just want to take this opportunity to update you on some of the things I’m working on in the Capitol and to invite you to my upcoming [...]
Capitol and Community Update
Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my legislative e-newsletter! It is my distinct honor and privilege to represent the families of the 6th House District at the Capitol in Lansing. My main priority [...]
Capitol and Community Update
Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my legislative e-newsletter! It is my honor to represent you and all the families of the 6th House District. My first and last priority as your state [...]
Capitol and Community Update
Dear Friends, Thank you for subscribing to my legislative e-newsletter! It is my distinct honor and privilege to represent the families of the 6th House District at the Capitol in Lansing. My first and [...]