Rep. Rheingans’ Enews Archive

Rep. Rheingans’ Enews Archive2023-02-09T13:54:22-05:00

TONIGHT: MiCare Town Hall!

August 14, 2023|

Hello Neighbors! Today is the day! The town hall on my universal health care bill with special guest Debbie Dingell will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Ann Arbor Skyline High School Auditorium. Doors will open [...]

Upcoming MiCare Town Hall

August 4, 2023|

Hello neighbors! I hope all of you are enjoying your summer so far. I wanted to send a quick reminder of my upcoming MiCare town hall with my special guest Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, which will [...]

Capitol & Community Update

July 21, 2023|

Hello from Lansing, My team and I have had a very busy first six months in office, and I wanted to take this time to reflect on what my team has accomplished for the residents [...]

Capitol & Community Update

June 9, 2023|

Hello from Lansing, This week has been very busy! I introduced a new bill and testified on three other bills, one of which was voted out of committee that day. All of these bills are [...]

Capitol & Community Update

May 26, 2023|

Hello from Lansing, This week, my first bill was passed by the House of Representatives! Also this week, the governor signed firearm safety legislation into law, I spoke at a health care advocacy day, and [...]

Capitol & Community Update

May 2, 2023|

Hello from Lansing, My team and I have had a busy two weeks in the Legislature since coming back from our in-district work period. I had a bill pass through a committee, introduced new legislation [...]

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