Rep. Tate’s Enews Archive

Rep. Tate’s Enews Archive2024-12-30T18:27:23-05:00

Please Join Me at My Next Coffee Hour

January 27, 2022|

Dear Friends, I will be holding regular coffee hours throughout the district during the year. These events allow you to share your views, concerns and questions regarding state government directly with me in an informal [...]

Capitol & Community Update

December 10, 2021|

Hello Friends, Welcome to my latest e-newsletter! I wanted to update you on some significant legislation that recently passed the House of Representatives. Earlier this week, House Democrats delivered the critical votes to pass House Bills [...]

Aug. 23 Coffee Hour Cancelled

August 20, 2021|

Hello Friends, As many of you know, we have standing in-person coffee hours every second and fourth Monday of the month. Unfortunately, due to a change in circumstances, we have to cancel our Aug. 23 [...]

Flood Assistance Information

July 30, 2021|

Hello Friends, As many of you know, helping our friends and neighbors who were recently affected by the severe flooding remains one my top priorities. In addition to the $10 million that the Legislature approved [...]

Join me for a special event

February 25, 2021|

Facing the Rising Sun: Black Leadership in the Michigan Legislature Tonight, Feb. 25, at 6:30 p.m. Facebook Live Join me for the premiere of a special Black History Month video project - Facing the Rising [...]

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