Rep. Miller’s Enews Archive

Rep. Miller’s Enews Archive2023-03-17T17:17:59-04:00

Capitol and Community Update

November 6, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, As the weather gets colder and we head into the holiday season, I’ve been busy in Lansing working hard on our legislative priorities. Below are some of my office’s highlights from the past [...]

Capitol and Community Update

October 6, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, We had a busy and productive summer knocking doors and having conversations with our constituents. We returned to session early September, and I’ve been excited to continue working for you on making Michigan [...]

Happy Back-to-School!

September 7, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, It’s been a busy summer knocking doors in the community and having conversations about what you’d like to see happen in Michigan. As many of you send your kids off to school for [...]

Capitol & Community Update

August 4, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Our team has been staying busy this summer knocking doors in the community and having conversations about what you’d like to see happen in Michigan. Below are some of the things we’ve been [...]

Capitol & Community Update

June 5, 2023|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, It is hard to believe that it’s already June, but the hot weather really confirms it. We have been busy as ever working hard in the district and in Lansing. Below [...]

Capitol & Community Updates

May 5, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, April 10 marked our first 100 days in office, and we all know they’ve been busy. As we move into these warmer months, I wanted to share some of the incredible things we've [...]

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