Rep. Weiss’ Enews Archive

Rep. Weiss’ Enews Archive2022-12-27T12:43:43-05:00

Capitol & Community Update

February 17, 2023|

Hello, I hope you and your loved ones have been able to comfort each other during this trying time. In this update, I will be talking about an upcoming community conversation, recent legislation that has [...]

Capitol & Community Update

January 30, 2023|

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm during the snowy weather! In this update, I will be discussing my committee assignments for this session, this year’s State of the State address and the first [...]

Capitol & Community Update

December 29, 2022|

Dear Neighbors, I hope you have been enjoying the holiday season! It has been my pleasure to serve you over the past two years, which have been full of many challenges and victories along the [...]

Capitol & Community Update

October 7, 2022|

I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of fall and the beauty of Michigan this season! In this e-news, I will be letting you know about my upcoming community conversation and the start of [...]

Upcoming Community Conversations

September 16, 2022|

Hello Neighbors, I hope that you are enjoying the end of your summer and getting ready to welcome fall. In this e-news, I will update you on my upcoming community conversations. I have two community [...]

Community Conversation Update

August 9, 2022|

Dear Neighbor, I hope that you all are enjoying the summer and hopefully staying cool. Just a quick update about the community conversation we had scheduled for Aug. 12 in Berkley. We have to reschedule [...]

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