Rep. Hope’s Enews Archive

Rep. Hope’s Enews Archive2022-12-27T12:25:48-05:00

Capitol & Community Update

April 6, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information I hope you will find helpful, including updates and news from your state government. Governor Signs Bills to Repeal So-called “Right-to-Work,” Restore Prevailing Wage Gov. Whitmer recently signed House Bills [...]

ONLINE DUE TO SNOW: Coffee and Conversations

March 10, 2023|

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Please join me for an online coffee hour today, March 10, from 12 to 1 p.m. on my Facebook page. I will give a legislative update, and I will answer your questions. This event [...]

Capitol & Community Update

March 8, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. Michigan House Votes to Repeal 1931 Abortion Ban The Michigan House of Representatives [...]

Capitol & Community Update

February 24, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. But first, I want to express my condolences for the students lost during [...]

Capitol & Community Update

January 4, 2023|

Dear Neighbor, Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful, including some updates and news from your state government. State of the State Scheduled for Jan. 25; Student Art Contest Announced for [...]

Capitol and Community Update

December 13, 2022|

Dear Neighbor: Here is information I hope you will find helpful, including updates and news from your state government. Upcoming Event: Health Insurance Open Enrollment Virtual Town Hall Series The Michigan Department of Insurance and [...]

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