Rep. Youngs’ News

Rep. Youngs’ News2024-09-02T14:08:30-04:00

Young Introduces Protect MI Kids Legislation

Bills strengthen tobacco, nicotine regulations to protect minors State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) speaks on the House Floor on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the Capitol in Lansing. LANSING, Mich., Oct. 17, 2024 — State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) is among the sponsors of the Protect MI Kids bill package. House Bills 6002-05 and 6022 and companion Senate Bills 647-54 seek to strengthen Michigan’s tobacco sales laws, bringing increased oversight to the industry and addressing the [...]

October 17, 2024|

Young, Hope and MacDonell Introduce Kayden’s Law

Family protection bills to strengthen child welfare in Michigan LANSING, Mich., Oct. 16, 2024 — State Reps. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), Kara Hope (D-Holt) and Sharon MacDonell (D-Troy) recently introduced Kayden’s Law. This legislation is in honor of Kayden Mancuso, a 7 year-old girl who was murdered by her father during a court-ordered unsupervised custody visit, despite her mother raising safety concerns in court. House Bills 6006-09 are aimed at strengthening child protections during custody and parenting disputes, especially when [...]

October 16, 2024|

House Detroit Caucus Pay Tribute to Former Detroit State Rep. Edward Vaughn Civil Rights Icon, Dies at 90

DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 10, 2024 — Former state Rep. Edward “Ed” Vaughn died at the age of 90 in Detroit this week. Vaughn served in the House of Representatives from Jan. 10, 1979, to Dec. 31, 1980. In 1994, he won another election to the state House and represented the then 4th House District from Jan. 11, 1995, until reaching term limits, Dec. 31, 2000. In response to the news of his passing, various House Detroit Caucus Members, paid their respects. [...]

October 10, 2024|

Michigan House Democrats Travel to Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

Legislators share Michigan’s story on the road with fellow Black lawmakers and leaders from across the U.S. LANSING, Mich., Sept. 11, 2024 — Several Michigan House Democrats will travel to Washington, D.C., to attend the Congressional Black Caucus’s (CBC) 53rd Annual Legislative Conference from Sept. 11-15. This year’s conference theme, “From Vision to Victory: Amplifying Black Voices,” gives House Democrats a chance to highlight the work of putting people first in Michigan.    “Michigan’s voice on the national stage is one [...]

September 11, 2024|

STATEMENT: Young Issues Response to Child Welfare Audit

LANSING, Mich., July 9, 2024 — A follow-up state audit report was released today outlining how the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) investigates child abuse allegations. After the report was issued, state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), chair of the House committee on Families, Children and Seniors, issued the following statement: “I believe it is everyone's responsibility to ensure the health and wellbeing of all our children, especially those of us in government. I am aware of [...]

July 9, 2024|

Young on Final Budget Passage

Lawmaker highlights public safety State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) speaks on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at the state Capitol in Lansing. LANSING, Mich., June 28, 2024 — The Michigan Legislature passed the final state budget for the 2025 fiscal year ahead of the legally required July 1 deadline. Democratic leaders crafted a budget focused on strategic, targeted investments that improve the lives of people and hometowns across Michigan without raising taxes. After the vote, state Rep. Stephanie [...]

June 28, 2024|

House Dems Celebrate Passage of Maternal Health Bill Package

Members highlight the improvements to healthy birthing outcomes for all State Rep. Julie M. Rogers (D-Kalamazoo) speaks on the House floor on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at the Capitol in Lansing. LANSING, Mich., June 27, 2024 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed legislation yesterday to improve maternal and infant health outcomes. This 10-bill package will address maternal mortality rates, which disproportionately impact mothers of color. House Bills 5166-5173 will establish Regional Perinatal Quality Collaboratives maintained through the [...]

June 27, 2024|

RELEASE: Bills Protecting Companion Animals Voted Out of the House

State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) testifies before the House Criminal Justice Committee on House Bill 5587, part of the animal cruelty package, on May 21, 2024. Also pictured, Beatrice Friedlander, Attorney for Animals. LANSING, Mich., June 20, 2024 — House Dems voted out House Bills 5587-5593 today, the animal cruelty package that increases the penalties of various forms of animal abuse and adds companion animals to several offense variable provisions, allowing the abuse of animals to increase sentences. State Rep. [...]

June 20, 2024|

STATEMENT: Young Celebrates Budget Funding for Vulnerable Youth

State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) on the House floor, March 11, 2024. LANSING, Mich., May 8, 2024 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed its fiscal 2024-25 budget today. It includes substantial investments in Michigan's juvenile justice system through Department of Health and Human Services budget recommendations. After the vote, state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following statement on the budget: “This year’s House budget recommendations lets our most vulnerable youth know that we see them, we care [...]

May 8, 2024|

Detroit Caucus Members Celebrate the ‘Touchdown’ of the NFL Draft in Detroit

DETROIT, Mich., April 29, 2024 — The NFL Draft ‘touched down’ in Detroit with an overwhelming and unprecedented response. Thursday night, media outlets reported a record 275,000 people descended into Detroit for the festivities. By Sunday, Detroit broke the record with over 775,000 people at the draft, beating Nashville, TN’s attendance record of 600,000 set in 2019. “Listen, I’m proud as a Detroiter, as a state legislator, and as a Michigander — all eyes have been on Detroit for the [...]

April 29, 2024|

House Dems Introduce Legislation to Improve Justice for Michiganders

Bills to enhance Michigan jury process, strengthening Sixth Amendment protections   LANSING, Mich., April 25, 2024 — State Reps. Amos O’Neal (D-Saginaw), Kara Hope (D- Holt), Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing), Jimmie Wilson, Jr. (D-Ypsilanti) and Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) introduced a jury reform bill package yesterday. These bills enhance Michigander criminal defendants’ right to an impartial jury. “I originally started working on this package with the Jury Task Force, a task force put together by former state Sen. Jim Ananich, [...]

April 25, 2024|

House Dems Celebrate Black Maternal Health Week

Members highlight the progress done and work ahead to improve healthy birthing outcomes for all   LANSING, Mich., April 11, 2024 — Michigan House Democrats are  proud to recognize Black Maternal Health Week, taking place the week of April 11-17. The week is dedicated to raising awareness and promoting advocacy for the health and well-being of Black mothers — it is a critical time to acknowledge the fixable disparities that exist in maternal health outcomes. “We are proud to stand [...]

April 11, 2024|

House Committee Hears Testimony on Expanding Access to Birth Control

Dems continue working to secure reproductive health care rights, bills allow pharmacists to write prescriptions for contraceptive medicine LANSING, Mich., March 5, 2024 — Members of the Democratic Caucus testified today in support of House Bills 5013, 5435 and 5436. This bill package expands the coverage of birth control supplies for up to 12 months, allows pharmacists to write prescriptions for contraceptives and requires health insurance to cover these prescriptions.  “My bill requires insurance companies to cover the prescriptions written [...]

March 5, 2024|

House Dems Ring in Women’s History Month

Former Michigan Gov. Albert E. Sleeper signs the states suffrage bill surrounded by suffragists on June 10, 1919. From left, state Sen. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing), Senate staffer, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, House Speaker Pro Tempore Laurie Pohutsky (D-Livonia) and Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) look on as Whitmer signs the last Reproductive Health Act bill into law on Dec. 11, 2023, on the Senate floor at the Capitol in Lansing. Legislators honor past while signaling [...]

March 1, 2024|

MLBC Announces Black History Month Program in Detroit

Progressing legacy: acknowledging the past, acting in the present, preparing for the future DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 23, 2024 — The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus (MLBC) announces the annual Black History Month Program, inviting members of the press and public to a free event, today from 6-8 p.m. at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in downtown Detroit. Ahead of the event, state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), MLBC Treasurer, issued the following statement: “Detroit is the bedrock of civil rights and activism. Hosting [...]

February 23, 2024|

Laws Taking Effect to Empower Michigan Voters

Landmark Legislation Protects Elections, Expands Voting Access State Rep. Kara Hope (D-Holt), right, high-fives Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during a bill-signing ceremony on Nov. 30, 2023, at the ACLU in Detroit.   LANSING, Mich., Feb. 6, 2024 — For the first time in 40 years, Democrats gained control of the Legislature and the governor’s office last year — with majority, they led a remarkably productive year, passing and signing into law a historic number of bills. A significant number [...]

February 6, 2024|

STATEMENT: Young on the State of the State Address

Young on the State of the State Address  Lawmaker highlights ensuring kids get a bigger future   LANSING, Mich., Jan. 24, 2024 — Before a joint legislative session today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered this year’s State of the State address. In her speech, the governor outlined her priorities to continue uplifting Michiganders at every stage of life, providing more opportunities for working families, lowering costs and investing even more in education. State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following [...]

January 24, 2024|

Michigan Lawmakers Respond in Support to President Biden’s Plans for the First-ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention

WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 23, 2023 — President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris announced plans this week for the first-ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention during the Congressional Black Caucus annual convention. Harris, who has been a key leader in the Biden-Harris administration’s effort to end our nation’s gun violence epidemic, will oversee the new office. News of the new Office of Gun Violence Prevention was met with fervor by state Rep. Felicia Brabec (D-Pittsfield), chair of the bipartisan and bicameral Michigan Firearm Safety [...]

September 23, 2023|

Michigan House Democrats Travel to Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

Legislators hit the road to share Michigan’s story with fellow Black lawmakers and leaders from across the U.S. LANSING, Mich., Sept. 20, 2023 — Several Michigan House Democrats will travel to Washington, D.C., to attend the Congressional Black Caucus’s 52nd Annual Legislative Conference from Sept. 20-24. While there, House Democrats expect to discuss the historic significance of this moment of what can be done with a Democratic trifecta, showing the nation how real trailblazers make real change for real people [...]

September 20, 2023|

Rep. Young Attends 9/11 Commemoration Ceremony

Last week, the Michigan House of Representatives held its annual 9/11 Memorial ceremony. In addition to commemorating those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, the observance honors first responders lost in the line of duty in the past year and those who courageously serve now to keep our communities safe. This year, Detroit Fire Chief James Harris joined Rep. Stephanie A. Young for the event. Rep. Young said: “Thank you to Chief Harris for attending this ceremony with [...]

September 11, 2023|

House Democrats Continue Leading the Way in Supporting Reproductive Rights

LANSING, Aug. 31, 2023 — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered the “What’s Next Address” yesterday, outlining her legislative agenda for the remainder of the year and beyond. Safeguarding reproductive health is among the governor’s top priorities. This too has been an agenda item for House Democrats, and it continues to be as they prepare to begin the fall legislative session in Lansing. Reproductive rights is one of the central priorities on the legislators’ “putting people first” agenda — the lawmakers will [...]

August 31, 2023|

Rep. Young Attends Child Care Summit at White House

Legislators gather to discuss increasing investment, access WASHINGTON, July 19, 2023 — State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) was one of more than 90 legislators from more than 40 states to attend the White House States Convening on Child Care summit in the nation’s capital. The lawmakers gathered to discuss child care policy achievements and how to make child care more affordable for working families, increase child care provider supply and improve job quality for child care workers. State [...]

July 19, 2023|

Young Delivers Investments to Detroit, Redford Township, Livonia and More

LANSING, Mich., June 30, 2023 — The Michigan House of Representatives just passed the state’s fiscal 2023-24 budget. It includes the largest investment in education in Michigan’s history, including free breakfast and lunch for every public school student and affordable pre-K for all, as well as substantial investments in workforce recruitment and retention, water infrastructure and public safety. The Democratic majority delivered a timely and responsible budget that ensures federal funding stays in Michigan. “I was extremely proud to vote [...]

June 30, 2023|

Detroit Caucus Delivers Transformative Investments for City

Legislators tout benefits for Detroiters in 2023-24 budget LANSING, Mich., June 28, 2023 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed the state’s fiscal 2023-24 budget today. This is the first budget in 40 years crafted by a Democratic trifecta — it reflects Michigan’s values by making the largest investment in education in the state’s history, including free breakfast and lunch for every student and affordable pre-K, as well as substantial investments in workforce recruitment and retention, water infrastructure, and public [...]

June 28, 2023|

House Introduces Bills to Expand Support for Crime Victims

From left to right, Reps. Stephanie A. Young, Julie Rogers and Graham Filler hold copies of bills they've introduced to expand support for crime victims. LANSING, Mich., April 14, 2023 — A bipartisan set of four bills focused on protecting victims of crime in Michigan by expanding available support services has been introduced in the House. The “Protecting Michigan Crime Victims Package” would ensure crime victims have access to the available resources they need. The bills would amend [...]

April 14, 2023|

House Follows Through on Promise, Passes More Gun Violence Prevention Bills

LANSING, Mich., April 13, 2023 — Continuing their commitment to create safer communities, and on the heels of passing universal background check bills last month, the Michigan House of Representatives passed legislation today in support of instituting extreme risk protection orders.  House Bills 4145-4148 would allow courts to issue extreme risk protection orders, or ERPOs, for individuals deemed at risk of hurting themselves or others after the judge considers testimony, documents and other evidence in support of the request. Once [...]

April 13, 2023|

MLBC Stands in Solidarity with Tennessee Representatives Jones and Pearson

LANSING, Mich., April 7, 2023 — Yesterday, we watched horrified as the Republican supermajority in the Tennessee General Assembly moved resolutions to expel three Democratic lawmakers for exercising their rights to speak and protest in support of gun violence prevention earlier in the week. As if this unconstitutional move to silence members of the minority party wasn’t a bad enough slap in the faces of their constituents, the result of only the two Black members — Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) [...]

April 7, 2023|

House Dems Advance Legislation to Repeal Outdated 1931 Abortion Ban

Bills remove all trace of statute criminalizing reproductive health care LANSING, Mich., March 1, 2023 — Members of the House Judiciary Committee voted today to send bills repealing the outdated 1931 abortion ban to the full House. The move comes after Democrats took the majority in the House for the first time since 2011 and follows the passage of Proposal 3, which enshrined reproductive freedoms in the Michigan Constitution. “Michigan voters sent a clear message in 2022 — they want [...]

March 1, 2023|

House Democrats Introduce Elections Protections Legislation

LANSING, Mich., Feb. 23, 2023 — State Reps. Kara Hope (D-Holt), Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing) and Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) introduced a bill package yesterday to enhance the safety of elections and election workers. Bills in the package would prohibit firearms from polling places, drop boxes, early voting locations, and counting boards and make the harassment and intimidation of election workers a felony. The House Elections Committee is scheduled to hear testimony on the package from the bill sponsors on [...]

February 23, 2023|

Michigan Legislative Black Caucus Issues Statement on Tragedy of Murder of Tyre Nichols

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 28, 2023 — The Michigan Legislative Black Caucus has issued the following statement on the tragedy of the murder of Tyre Nichols: “Once again, the nation is gripped with the senseless murder of an unarmed Black man at the hands of police. Once again, the Black community is left to relive and grapple with this repeated violence and brutality. This is not a new phenomenon. This is not something unique to this century or era in which we are. During the Civil Rights Era, [...]

January 30, 2023|

Young Backs Whitmer’s Call to Address Michigan’s Mental Health Crisis

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 25, 2023 — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered the State of the State address tonight before a joint session of the Legislature at the Capitol in Lansing. In the speech, the governor discussed her legislative agenda for the new term, which includes addressing the mental health crisis, bolstering the economy, increasing public safety, lowering costs for families, protecting fundamental rights, supporting workers, investing in early childhood education and attracting talent to Michigan. “I am excited the House now [...]

January 25, 2023|

Young Celebrates New Michigan Law Improving the Foster Care System 

Gov. Whitmer Signs Young-Sponsored Bill into Law LANSING, Mich., Dec. 22, 2022 — A new law that streamlines the foster home licensure process, reduces paperwork for high-quality caregivers and provides more stability for youth in the foster care system was signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last week. State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) introduced House Bill 5980 (Public Act 205) earlier this year as part of a bipartisan bill package recommended by the House Adoption and Foster Care Task Force. [...]

December 22, 2022|

Young Sworn in for Second Term as State Representative

Lt. Gov. Gilchrist swearing in state Rep. Stephanie A. Young with her son, David Young, her cousin, Pamela Young, her grand niece, Miriah Gilliam-Perkins and her pastor, Dr. Samuel Stephens, in the back.   DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 19, 2022 — State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) was sworn in last Friday by Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist for her second term in Michigan’s House of Representatives. Young will represent Michigan’s new House District 16, which comprises parts of Detroit, [...]

December 19, 2022|

House Democrats Hold Press Conference Calling for Election and Voting Reforms

LANSING, Mich., July 26, 2022 — Today, state Reps. Matt Koleszar (D-Plymouth), Alex Garza (D-Taylor) and Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), and Canton Township Clerk Michael Siegrist held a press conference in Plymouth to address ways to improve our elections process. House Democrats have introduced a collection of legislation aimed at protecting the right to vote; securing fair, transparent and accessible elections; and addressing the concerns of municipal and county clerks. Legislative leadership has refused to take up the bills. The press conference included a discussion of the introduced [...]

July 26, 2022|

Young Raises Concerns About State Budget

LANSING, Mich., June 30, 2022 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed a budget that includes significant investments in education, local government services and the economy. Included in the budget is a 5% increase to the foundation allowance, bringing per-pupil funding to $9,150; $34 million for the second year expansion to the Great Start Readiness Program; and $3 million for traffic stop data collection enhancement. State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following statement in response to the budget’s [...]

July 1, 2022|

Young Kicks Off Motor City Makeover 

DETROIT, Mich., May 5, 2022 — Michigan state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) will once again partner with Detroit Blight Busters on the kickoff weekend of Motor City Makeover in Detroit. During Young’s first term in office, she, along with her staff and a host of volunteers, have done a number of cleanup projects throughout her district. They cleaned up several illegal dump sites, boarded up and painted neighborhood art on vacant homes, mowed lawns, and removed trash and debris [...]

May 5, 2022|

House Democrats Announce Bills to Further Remove Barriers to Voting

Legislation allows for early voting, keeps guns out of polling places LANSING, Mich., March 16, 2022 — Members of the House Democratic Caucus held a press conference today to announce another round of bills that protect the right to vote and take down unnecessary barriers between Michiganders and their franchise.  “We want every Michigander to vote in every election, every time, period,” said House Democratic Leader Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township). “We are fighting for that principle every day. Anything less [...]

March 16, 2022|

Young Announces Virtual Public Safety Roundtable

Who: State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) Col. Joseph Gasper, director of the Michigan State Police Sheriff Raphael Washington, Wayne County Sheriff Department 1st Assistant Chief Todd Bettison, Detroit Police Department Myra Gracey, citizens radio patrol coordinator for the city of Detroit.   What: State Rep. Young, along with prominent public safety leaders from Detroit, Wayne County and the state, is hosting a public safety roundtable. Topics of discussion include facial recognition, the police accountability movement, community relations and the [...]

March 9, 2022|

Young Issues Statement of Support for Ukraine

LANSING, Mich., March 3, 2022 — It has been one week since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  This act of violence and hostility against a sovereign nation has been met with worldwide condemnation. Ukrainian soldiers and even civilians are courageously trying to hold off a total takeover of their country by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive actions, careless disregard for human life and violation of international law. Ukraine has been under a constant barrage of bombing and firing [...]

March 3, 2022|

Young Voices Support for Labor Rally in Downtown Lansing

LANSING, Mich., Feb. 17, 2022 — Today, members of the Michigan House Democratic Caucus joined a coalition of labor voices in downtown Lansing in support of the United Six — a group of electricians formerly employed by United Electric Contractors. In a lawsuit filed last month, the group alleges that UEC maintained a retaliatory and hostile work environment where racial slurs and discrimination against Black and brown workers were commonplace. They held the demonstration in front of the Associated Builders [...]

February 17, 2022|

Young on General Motors’ Announcement, Bringing 4,000 New Jobs to Michigan

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 25, 2022 — Today, General Motors announced a $7 billion investment in electric vehicle manufacturing in Michigan, including the construction of a new electric vehicle battery plant in Delta Township and a $4 billion investment in its Orion assembly plant that will together create 4,000 jobs. Both projects are part of GM’s effort to shift to 100% electric vehicle production by 2035. State Rep. Stephanie. A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following statement celebrating the news: “Having grown [...]

January 25, 2022|

State Rep. Young Commemorates Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday with a Day of Service

DETROIT, Jan. 14, 2022 — Michigan state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) will once again partner with Detroit Blight Busters for a day of service on Monday, Jan. 17, in commemoration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Last year during Young’s first year in office, she, along with her staff and a host of volunteers, did a clean-up project in the Old Redford area. They cleaned up several illegal dumpsites and boarded up and painted neighborhood art on [...]

January 14, 2022|

Young Denounces Legislation Prohibiting Teaching of Racial Injustice

LANSING, Mich., Nov. 3, 2021 — Members of the House Democratic Caucus spoke yesterday against House Bill 5097, legislation that bans the teaching of race and gender issues in Michigan’s K-12 schools. Instead of addressing the multiple, real issues facing the state’s public schools, bill supporters would rather prohibit the teaching of something that isn’t taught in classrooms today. Critical race theory, a concept that examines blind spots in fairness and equity in local, state and federal laws and that’s [...]

November 3, 2021|

Progressive Women’s Caucus Unveils Package of Bills to Support Survivors of Domestic Violence 

LANSING, Mich., Oct. 28, 2021 — Members of the Michigan Progressive Women’s Caucus (PWC) held a press conference today to unveil a package of bills to prevent domestic violence, support survivors and help protect survivors from further abuse. Since the beginning of the pandemic, domestic violence rates have soared, leaving shelters overburdened and resources stretched thin. Survivors, through no fault of their own, face discrimination, fear and other challenges long after their abuse has ended. The PWC believes that it [...]

October 28, 2021|

Rep. Young Joins Detroit Leaders to Call Out Inequities in Drafts of Redistricting Maps

Proposed Plan ends majority-minority districts   DETROIT, Mich., Oct. 12, 2021 —  State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) gathered with members of the Detroit Caucus, labor leaders and faith leaders to speak as one voice against the current redistricting draft maps put forth by the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC). The maps carve up the state’s largest city, and between the Michigan House and Senate districts, the new maps would go from 17 majority-minority districts to zero.   “I appreciate [...]

October 12, 2021|

Young Applauds Passage of House Budget That Invests in Detroit’s Children

LANSING, Mich., Sept. 22, 2021 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed a budget that includes historic investments in health care, childcare and infrastructure. It also provides $150,000 for Development Centers, Inc., $250,000 for the Detroit Children’s Center, and $300,000 for Detroit Horse Power. State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following statement in support of the budget’s passage: “There is a tribe in Africa called Masai whose traditional greeting to each other is “And how are the children?” [...]

September 22, 2021|

Young on Secretary of State Benson’s Efforts to Serve More Michigan Residents

LANSING, Mich., July 7, 2021 — Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson announced today improvements in branch office operations to serve hundreds of thousands more Michigan residents. In response, state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) issued the following statement: “Turning the corner on COVID includes supporting our state departments as they work to provide necessary services to residents.  I have been working closely with our Secretary of State and will continue supporting Secretary Benson’s efforts to bring our branches into [...]

July 7, 2021|

Bipartisan legislation NEEDED to penalize and reduce drive-by shootings

LANSING—Citing the number of drive-by shootings in Flint in the past few months, State Representatives Cynthia Neeley (D-Flint), Graham Filler (R-DeWitt), Mike Mueller (R-Linden) and Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) today held a press conference at Flint City Hall to discuss their legislation to increase penalties on drive-by shootings. “These cowardly, heinous actions must end,” state Representative Cynthia Neeley said. “Drive-by shooters are intentionally targeting family members and numerous children have been shot and murdered in my community and throughout Michigan.” [...]

July 6, 2021|

Lawmakers Introduce Bills to Waive and Refund Late Fees, Improve Customer Service at Secretary of State

LANSING, Mich., June 24, 2021 — Today, lawmakers introduced legislation to waive and reimburse late fees and phase extensions for driver’s licenses and other documents after the Republican-controlled Legislature let 13 months of extensions expire on March 31 of this year, creating unprecedented demand for Secretary of State (SOS) appointments. In March of 2020, the Legislature passed laws allowing Michigan residents to drive on expired driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations and other documents so residents would not have to worry about [...]

June 24, 2021|

Benson, Brixie, Young announce legislation to increase capacity of Department of State branch services

Today, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson joined state Reps. Julie Brixie (D-Meridian Township) and Stephanie Young (D-Detroit) to announce legislation they introduced to increase the Department of State’s capacity to serve customers at its branch offices. The bills would address a severe reduction of staff in previous decades and a backlog of transactions that need to be done following extensions of credential expirations throughout the pandemic. “The path forward is clear: increase the number of appointments available so that they [...]

June 1, 2021|

PWC, Allies Renew Call to End Gender Wage Gap in Michigan, Recognize Equal Pay Day

In observance of this year’s Equal Pay Day, a bicameral coalition of Michigan Democratic legislators led by members of the Progressive Women’s Caucus (PWC) unveiled legislation during a virtual press conference aimed at closing the gender pay gap in Michigan. “Every American and Michigander deserves to have the freedom and opportunity to provide economic security for themselves and their family, regardless of their gender,” said state Rep. Christine Morse (D-Texas Twp.). “But for too long, women have been facing an [...]

March 24, 2021|

Detroit Caucus stands in solidarity with striking Teamsters Local 337

DETROIT, Mich., March 22, 2021 — Employees of Redford’s 7-Up Dr. Pepper (KDP) distribution center and members of Teamsters Local 337 have recently gone on strike in pursuit of better wages, treatment, and working conditions.  On the picket line last week, unfair and racist intimidation tactics were reportedly levied against striking workers. In solidarity with the striking workers, the members of the Detroit Caucus Executive Committee released the following statement: “The reports we have heard about the racist intimidation tactics [...]

March 22, 2021|

House Dems Continue Fight to Help Unemployed Workers, Families

LANSING, Mich., March 16, 2021 — In the face of continued Republican indifference and inaction, House Democrats this week unveiled the next step in their Hardworking Michiganders Recovery Plan. The legislation would hold bad actors accountable and, in the process, protect hardworking Michiganders and honest businesses who do things the right way. “Michigan needs to shore up its safety net so disasters like COVID-19 never leave us unprepared again,” said state Rep. Cara Clemente (D-Lincoln Park), who sponsored a bill [...]

March 16, 2021|

Detroit Caucus: Our Schools Can’t Wait

LANSING, Mich., March 9, 2021 — The Michigan House approved supplemental appropriation bills last week that left $2 billion of federal COVID-19 recovery dollars in Washington, D.C. In response, the Detroit Caucus Executive Committee issued the following statement: “Our schools need this funding to update their HVAC and ventilation systems, purchase PPE  and other supplies like laptops for staff and students. Moreover, they can’t even begin to start their planning process until they know how much funding and support they are [...]

March 9, 2021|

Young: House vote leaves dollars in D.C. for COVID-19 vaccines, additional assistance for Michigan families, workers

Rep. Young supports vote on all $5 billion in federal stimulus DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 4, 2021 — Rep. Stephanie Young (D-Detroit) joined Michigan House Democrats today in opposing House Republican legislation that would forfeit critical COVID-19 vaccine funding and other money by leaving it in Washington, D.C. Earlier this week, House Democrats released a pandemic recovery plan that would immediately unleash over $5 billion in available federal dollars to help Michigan workers, small businesses, families and schools impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. [...]

February 4, 2021|

Young to serve on House Oversight, Financial Services Committees

State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) was appointed to serve as a member of the Michigan House Oversight and Financial Services Committees for the 2021-2022 legislative term. Young is serving her first term representing Michigan’s 8th House District, including the Bethune, Brightmoor, Castle Rouge, College Park, Crary-St. Marys, Old Redford and Grandmont-Rosedale communities of northwest Detroit. In response to receiving her committee assignments, Young issued the following statement: “I am very pleased with my committee assignments and am ready to [...]

January 22, 2021|

Young Sworn in as Representative for 8th House District

State Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) was sworn in today as representative for the 2021-2022 legislative session. The swearing-in ceremony marked the formal opening of Michigan’s 101st Legislature. “As a life-long Detroiter, I’m so humbled by the opportunity to serve as the voice of my fellow community members at our state Capitol,” said Young. “I take this responsibility as an elected official incredibly seriously, and look forward to advocating for stronger educational outcomes, better job opportunities and a criminal [...]

January 13, 2021|

Rep. Young Calls on Members of the Capitol Commission to Uphold Duty, Protect Michiganders

“Last year, it was disturbing to have seen my now colleague, Rep. Sarah Anthony, have to be escorted to the Capitol to simply do her job. Sadly, the violent temperature from that fateful April day has only increased in intensity, leaving the safety of all legislators hanging in the balance—not to mention the countless staff members, visitors and school groups often present. The Capitol Commission meets yet again this afternoon to discuss the issue of banning weapons in the Capitol, [...]

January 11, 2021|
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