November Nosh with Noah

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Wednesday, November 15, 2023 10-11 am
West Bloomfield Township Public Library
4600 Walnut Lake Rd, West Bloomfield, MI 48323

You’re invited to join me for a “Nosh with Noah” community conversation at the West Bloomfield Township Public Library! These monthly events give me a chance to update you on legislation and other projects I’ve been championing in Lansing – from mental health access to hate crime laws to education funding to supporting our small businesses. These events are also your best opportunity to discuss your views about policy issues directly with me. All are welcome to join!

I am proud to represent West Bloomfield, Commerce, and the Lakes in Lansing, and I can’t wait to see you at this week’s “Nosh with Noah” event!


Noah Arbit State Representative, 20th House District

About Rep. Arbit: Born and raised in West Bloomfield, State Representative Noah Arbit was first elected in November 2022. Rep. Arbit serves as Vice Chair of the House Subcommittee on Behavioral Health, and serves on the following committees: Criminal Justice; Families, Children, and Seniors; Judiciary; and Natural Resources and Environment.

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