Democratic Reps Propose Air Quality Reforms
LANSING —State Reps. Abdullah Hammoud (D-Dearborn), David LaGrand (D-Grand Rapids), Vanessa Guerra (D-Saginaw), Tenisha Yancey (D-Harper Woods), [...]
LANSING —State Reps. Abdullah Hammoud (D-Dearborn), David LaGrand (D-Grand Rapids), Vanessa Guerra (D-Saginaw), Tenisha Yancey (D-Harper Woods), [...]
LANSING — Yesterday, the House of Representatives voted on a proposal to repeal the state’s prevailing wage [...]
LANSING — Today, the House passed legislation that would rob hundreds of thousands of Michiganders of their [...]
LANSING — Today, the House of Representatives voted out Senate Bills 652-654, which create new panels and [...]
LANSING — Last week, state Rep. Tenisha Yancey (D-Harper Woods) held a town hall for residents to learn about [...]
LANSING — Today, students all across the country and Michigan walked out of their classrooms in solidarity [...]
LANSING — Last week, the Progressive Women’s Caucus introduced a Contraceptive Access bill package aimed at increasing contraceptive [...]
LANSING — Today, House and Senate Democrats introduced the Teachers for Michigan bill package designed to prepare, [...]
LANSING — The Detroit Caucus stood in solidarity yesterday against an attempt to strip the city of Detroit of [...]
LANSING — This week, Republican legislators are considering efforts to strip away critically important benefits for retired [...]