Dear neighbor,

I hope this message finds you well. As we enjoy the June weather, I want to share some updates and highlight significant events shaping our community this month. June holds significance for many, marked by AED Month, Pride Month, Juneteenth, and Immigrant Heritage Month.

AED Month

June is Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Awareness Month, a time to highlight the importance of these lifesaving devices in our communities, especially in schools. Recently, the Michigan House passed legislation aimed at safeguarding student-athletes by requiring high school coaches to maintain CPR and AED certifications and ensuring schools have emergency response plans in place. I am proud to have voted in support of HB 5527, which emphasizes preparedness for cardiac emergencies. Last month, I also had the opportunity to donate an AED to the Hazel Park School District, furthering our commitment to student safety and wellbeing. By equipping our schools with these critical tools and knowledge, we are taking proactive steps to protect our students and ensure their safety during sports activities and beyond. 

Pride Month

Michigan has a rich history of leading in LGBTQ+ rights, from pioneering non-discrimination ordinances to achieving recent legislative milestones. Notably, legislation signed in 2023 expanded protections under the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, ensuring safeguards against discrimination in employment, education, housing, and public accommodations based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Inclusivity and diversity are essential for our economic prosperity. I am committed to upholding the rights of all citizens and fostering a community free from discrimination and prejudice. Education and awareness play crucial roles in our ongoing efforts to combat discrimination. This June marks the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ civil rights history. As we honor this legacy and celebrate Pride Month, let’s recommit ourselves to building a fair and just state that embraces everyone. For more information on LGBTQ+ policies and initiatives, check out the Michigan LGBTQ+ Commission.


Last year, Gov. Whitmer declared Juneteenth a state holiday in Michigan. This historic decision marks June 19 as Juneteenth, a day dedicated to honoring Black history and culture, commemorating the end of slavery in America. The significance of Juneteenth dates back to June 19, 1865, when Union Army Gen. Gordon Granger proclaimed freedom for all enslaved people in Galveston, Texas, following the Civil War. This proclamation was a precursor to the ratification of pivotal constitutional amendments, affirming equal rights and voting privileges for all citizens. Juneteenth serves as both a moment of celebration and reflection. I urge Michiganders to unite in the pursuit of justice and equality for all. Juneteenth not only honors the struggles and triumphs of African Americans, but also fosters dialogue and understanding among diverse communities. Visit to find Juneteenth events hosted in and around Oakland County. 

Immigrant Heritage Month

June also marks Immigrant Heritage Month in Michigan, a time when we celebrate the rich cultures and contributions that immigrants bring to our state. This month is a testament to the enduring impact immigrants have made in shaping our communities and fortifying our economy. From innovative entrepreneurs to dedicated workers in key sectors such as technology, health care, and education, immigrants play a vital role in Michigan’s prosperity and cultural vibrancy. Their diverse perspectives and talents enrich our neighborhoods and strengthen our collective identity as Michiganders. Together, let’s celebrate diversity, promote inclusivity, and continue to build a welcoming Michigan for all. Visit for more stories and resources.

I am proud to be your voice in Lansing. Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office if I can ever be of service to you at or (517) 373-3815.

In Service,

Mike McFall

State Representative, House District 8

Serving Hazel Park, Highland Park, Madison Heights, Part of Detroit, and Part of Ferndale