Rheingans Bill Exempts Fentanyl Test Strips from Drug Paraphernalia Laws

State Rep. Carrie Rheingans (D-Ann Arbor) delivers a floor speech in the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, June 13, 2024.State Rep. Carrie Rheingans (D-Ann Arbor) delivers a floor speech in the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, June 13, 2024.


LANSING, Mich., June 13, 2024 — State Rep. Carrie Rheingans (D-Ann Arbor) recently released legislation to exempt testing products including, but not limited to, fentanyl test strips, from current drug paraphernalia laws. By exempting test products, they can be more freely sold and used for testing to prevent drug overdose deaths. This legislation will reform the governance of testing products, allowing for easier availability to those in need. Following the legislation’s passage in the House, Rheingans issued the following statement:


“Legislation like this is critical to tackling the opioid crisis. Testing products are a crucial harm reduction tactic. Exempting them from the definition of drug paraphernalia will remove a barrier to saving lives. I am proud to support the public health of this state and provide accurate language in our governing documents.”

