Dear Neighbor:


Here is some information that I hope you will find helpful as we all do what we can to slow the spread of COVID-19. It is an uncertain time, but having accurate information and reliable resources can help alleviate some anxiety. The following information is current as of 9 a.m. on May 8, 2020.


Gov. Whitmer Extends “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order,

Manufacturing Can Incrementally Resume Beginning May 11


Yesterday, Gov. Whitmer extended the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order, which initially went into effect on March 24. It has now been extended to May 28. This version of the order will allow manufacturing workers to return to work on May 11. The governor also shared details about the MI Safe Start Plan. This six-phase plan was developed with leaders in healthcare, business, labor, and education. You can read the entire MI Safe Start Plan here.


Individuals must continue to wear non-medical grade face coverings while in enclosed public spaces, and employers must provide their workers with face coverings. Landscapers and employees of lawn-service companies and nurseries can return to work. However, they must continue to follow strict social distancing guidelines. Construction, real estate, and other work that is traditionally performed outdoors resumed on May 7. Manufacturing facilities that reopen on May 11 are required to adopt measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including daily entry screening protocol, dedicated entry points, and suspension of all non-essential in-person visits. Non-essential retailers are allowed to open for delivery and curbside pick-up. Motorized boating, golfing (without golf carts), and individuals traveling between their residences is allowed under this order.


Similar to the previous Stay Home order, you can go out to get groceries, medications, or gas for your car. You can seek medical care for yourself or a member of your household. You can also go out for a walk or bike ride. Individuals are strongly encouraged to limit trips to get essential items and to limit the number of household members who leave the home for errands.


If you need to go out, remember to protect yourself and others by doing the following:

  • Stay 6 feet away from others.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Wash your hands often and well. Use soap and warm water. Lather for at least 20 seconds. If you cannot wash your hands, use sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes appropriately.

For more guidance on how to reduce the spread of COVID-19, visit the CDC website.


Unemployment Update


Tens of thousands of Michiganders will have their unemployment benefits processed more quickly under Executive Order 2020-76. Under this new order, the state only needs to review an individual’s most recent job separation to determine the individual’s benefit entitlement. This means previous employers don’t need to be contacted, so those waiting for benefits will receive them much quicker.


Information for Small Businesses


Over $3.3 million in financial relief will be given to 657 Michigan bars and restaurants because of the spirits buyback program. This program was created by an executive order and gave the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) the ability to buy remaining spirits inventory in bars and restaurants with on premise liquor licenses if those spirits were purchased at full price before March 16, 2020.


Other State Resources, Services, and Responses


  • The new Michigan COVID-19 Office of Accountability was announced on May 4. This office will oversee all spending related to the COVID-19 pandemic and report regularly to the governor and the state budget director. They will be located within the State Budget Office and the Department of Technology, Management and Budget will designate a Chief COVID-19 Accountability Officer.


  • An April 8 executive order temporarily permitted the use of an electronic signature on most legal documents, including deeds and other instruments. It also allowed for remote witnesses and notarizations. On May 5, Gov. Whitmer signed another executive order to extend this power through June 30.


  • Executive order 2020-71 extends safety measures for grocery stores and pharmacies through May 29, 2020. This includes implementing cleaning procedures that meet federal guidelines, requiring individuals to wear masks while in the store, daily health screenings for staff, and holding two hours per week of shopping time for vulnerable populations.


As we all continue to deal with the pandemic’s effects on the health and welfare of our communities, I will continue to provide up-to-date information for you and your family. To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, my team and I are working from our homes. But we still strive to provide responsive service, so please don’t hesitate to contact us at (517) 373-0587 or by email at




Kara Hope

State Representative

67th House District



I’m here for you! Contact me:
(517) 373-0587

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