Hello Friends,

We are finally experiencing some cooler weather, and the leaves are starting to turn red and gold. Don’t forget to make use of our parks to enjoy this beautiful weather and scenery while they’re at their peak. I can always sense the excitement in the air as Michigan transitions into fall. Similarly, I can feel the anticipation in Lansing as we settle back into our normal committee schedule. I am already feeling positive about the work we are doing this season.

If we can ever assist in any way, please do not hesitate to contact our office. My office is reachable by phone at (517) 373-2575 and by email at RanjeevPuri@house.mi.gov.


Ranjeev Puri

State Representative, 21st District

Proudly serving Belleville, Canton and Van Buren Township

In This Edition:

  • Upcoming Time With Ranjeev
  • Legislative Update
  • COVID-19 Update
  • Resources
  • What We’ve Been Up To


Community Legislative Canvass With Rep. Puri + Cider and Doughnuts!

Oct. 16, starting at 10 a.m.

Independence Park, 1898 Denton Road in Canton

On Oct. 16, Team Puri will be heading out into the Canton community, going door to door to check in on our neighbors! Will you join us?

Legislative canvassing is a great way for our team to get out in the community and talk with residents about how we can better serve them in Lansing. Come out and get to know Team Puri and the 21st House District by helping us connect with constituents. We will be welcoming the fall with plenty of cider and doughnuts!

Sign up to join us here.

October Coffee Hour

Come out and join us for our October Coffee Hour at the Belleville Library!

Monday, Oct. 25, from 6-7 p.m.

Belleville Library, 167 Fourth St. in Belleville


Child Care Package Passes Out of House

Last week was a great week for Michigan’s working families! My bill, as part of a larger package focused on child care, passed out of the House. You can view my floor speech here.

Child care is the largest expense for Michigan working families. It’s both an economic and labor issue that forces parents — mostly women — to pick between child care and their careers.

My bill, House Bill 5044, would create an infant-toddler contract model that incentivizes increased wages and quality improvements in care. This investment helps build the supply of care for infants and toddlers and helps our bigger goal of keeping providers open.

This package demonstrates what is possible when both sides of the aisle come together and do what is right for our working families. I am excited to continue as a member of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Bipartisan Task Force on Child Care as we continue to work toward a system that works for everyone — one that provides quality, affordable care.

This package of bills now moves to the Senate for further legislative review.


Vaccine Distribution Update

This week, Gov. Whitmer announced that 10 million Michiganders have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The state is nearing our goal of a 70% vaccination rate, with 68.3% of residents over 16 years old having received their first dose. I am thrilled to hear that Michiganders are getting vaccinated!

I join Gov. Whitmer in urging eligible Michiganders who are not fully vaccinated to make plans to get the doses they need. The vaccine is safe, effective and the best way to protect our community during this pandemic. I’m encouraged by how Michiganders have stepped up to this challenge so far. I’m hopeful that we will continue to take the steps necessary to reduce transmission. The battle is not yet over, but we have already overcome many challenges by working as a community. Together, we can overcome this pandemic.



If you find that you are in need of assistance with your unemployment claim, you can contact my office using this form.

State Resources for Job Search

There are numerous free resources and programs available to support individuals in taking their next steps. Whether they want to conduct a job search, explore new career pathways, or discover educational or training programs, there are many opportunities they can pursue.

  • Pure Michigan Talent Connect at MITalent.org is a free job search resource that lists more than 90,000 jobs currently available in Michigan.
  • The Michigan Return to Work Playbook is an online portal that features job readiness and industry/job specific resources as well as resources to support specific individuals — such as veterans or individuals with disabilities.
  • Career exploration, resume assistance, interview skills, classroom and on-the-job-training, virtual and in-person job fairs, and more are provided through a local Michigan Works! service center. Call (800) 285-WORKS or visit michiganworks.org.
  • Apply for health care coverage, food and cash assistance, and more using the Michigan Department of Health and Humans Services’ MI Bridges system, which also lists helpful state and local resources.

FEMA Wayne County Flooding Assistance 

Wayne County is offering financial assistance for residents impacted by the June 2021 flooding. Funding will support them in covering damages and costs that have not been covered by FEMA or private property insurance. This grant is intended to cover the costs of tangible goods and belongings such as carpets, couches, drywall and food. Additionally, this grant may be used to cover contracted labor if the applicant can provide itemized quotes or receipts from their contractor. You can read more information on if you’re eligible for assistance here.


Women’s March

I spent last weekend at the Women’s March in Ann Arbor getting fired up with hundreds of friends to fight for women’s rights and equality. We won’t be our best until everyone —  regardless of their gender, race or background — has a voice.


During this challenging time, it is more important than ever to stay in touch. I want to hear from you. What do you need? How can we help you? My office is here to assist you or answer any questions you may have. Please, reach out to me at RanjeevPuri@house.mi.gov.

Communications from my office will be available via bi-weekly email updates or social media. With that said my office is always open — do not hesitate to reach out should you ever find yourself needing assistance.