LANSING, Mich., April 8, 2022 —State Rep. Tyrone Carter (D-Detroit) called on leaders of the majority Republican caucus today to take up House Resolution 260, which would create a House select committee to investigate the actions of former Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield. Police are investigating several allegations, including his use of multiple political action committees and nonprofits to fund expensive nights out, payments to family members and frequent excursions that led him to sometimes cancel House votes. Rep. Carter issued the following statement:

“While the actions and behavior of the former Republican speaker continue to make more and more headlines, the resolution calling for a formal investigation into this corruption I introduced 15 days ago awaits a hearing in the Government Operations Committee. Anyone who’s glanced at a local newspaper in Michigan this year knows that this man’s behavior warrants further scrutiny. The people of Michigan deserve to know whether the former speaker abused the trust they placed in him.”