LANSING, Mich., June 7, 2022 — State Rep. Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids) spoke today in a hearing about a bill package, House Bills 6080-6084, that adds safeguards to protect veterans who reside in veterans homes from neglect, abuse or exploitation. Hood, whose district includes the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, has been advocating for veterans in Grand Rapids and across the state for years, and she continues that fight by playing an important role in this set of bills. Hood, sponsor of HB 6082 in the package, issued the following statement in response:


“Our veterans fought to protect our freedoms. They put their lives on the line to make sure we are safe. We need to honor their sacrifices and fight for their safety. This package of bills is an important step toward doing that. The legislative package is designed to ensure that vets living in veteran homes are treated with the dignity and respect they so deserve. These bills are a good start, but there is room for improvement. I’m excited to work with members of the Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee and with our veteran community to further protect our veterans without compromising their privacy or dignity. Our veterans served our country to keep citizens safe — let’s do the same for them.”


The focus of the bill package makes sure there is a formal connection between veterans’ needs and the ombudsman. Collectively, the bills ensure high quality housing and health care, while also increasing preventative measures, accountability and transparency.