LANSING – State Representative Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) blasted Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to not recognize the full marital rights of more than 300 marriages performed for same-sex couples over the past weekend. Rep. Singh, advocates and legal experts have been calling on the governor to recognize these marriages as having been legal and in full compliance with Michigan law at the time they were performed and grant them full rights and protections.

“I appreciate Gov. Snyder’s acknowledgement that the marriages were legal, but to refuse all of the same rights and benefits of marriage to these couples is blatant discrimination. He is taking us down an unconstitutional and costly path by continuing to deny full marriage equality. The same-sex couples married this past weekend have waited many years, in some cases decades, to have their relationships legally recognized,” said Rep. Singh. “By refusing to grant the protections and benefits associated with marriage, Gov. Snyder continues to put partisan politics ahead of the constitutional rights of Michigan residents.”

Following the ruling of a federal judge striking down Michigan’s ban on same-sex marriages, four county clerks issued licenses to couples. A stay on the ruling raised the question as to whether the state would recognize the legally issued licenses.