Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has proclaimed the week of March 19-25 as Severe Weather Awareness Week in Michigan, and the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) is encouraging all Michiganders to ensure they have insurance coverage for storm-related damage. 

Weather emergencies can happen at any time, but they are especially common when the seasons change. It is important that you take the following steps to ensure you are properly protected:

  • Verify that you have the appropriate insurance coverage with your insurance agent or company and discuss any coverage needs. 
  • Create a detailed list of personal possessions, with photographs of each room on the property, and a thorough list of other valuables not seen in the photographs. 
  • Make a list of important phone numbers, including family members, emergency responders, insurance agents and insurance companies. 
  • Store copies of all insurance policy declaration pages and insurance cards in a safe place.
  • Make sure you have a plan, such as a dedicated emergency fund, for paying an insurance policy’s deductible to help avoid severe financial strain in the aftermath of a disaster.

For additional information on preparing for severe weather in Michigan, go to the DIFS Disaster Preparedness webpage.