Hello Friends,

The year is flying by, and I can’t believe it is almost May already! It has been an extremely busy couple of months in Lansing, and this pace will continue into the summer as we finalize the fiscal 2023-24 budget.

Our office is working on some exciting things for the upcoming months, including a few town halls and additional district events, so please make sure you are following us on social media for updates.

As always, if our office can ever assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Ranjeev Puri

State Representative, 24th House District

Proudly serving Canton Township!

In this Issue:

  • Upcoming Time with Ranjeev
  • Executive Update
  • Legislative Update
  • What We’ve Been Up To
  • Teacher and Small Business of the Month Nominations


Community Coffee Hour with Special Guest Wayne County Commissioner Melissa Daub

Monday, May 22, at 6 p.m.

Canton Township Administration Building – Board Room,1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI 48188


Gov. Whitmer Signs Gun Violence Prevention Legislation 

On April 13, two months after the mass shooting at Michigan State University, I was honored to join Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on MSU’s campus as she signed historic gun violence prevention legislation into law.

Puri whitmer gun signing

This legislation will require universal background checks on all gun purchases and will create safe storage requirements for firearms and ammunition. The safe storage laws will help prevent minors from accidentally accessing firearms and harming themselves or others.

These bills are just a start. My number one priority as both a father and a state representative is the safety of our children. No person should live in fear for their life, and I will not stop fighting for commonsense gun reform measures that will protect our kids and communities.

Puri whitmer singing bill


House Passes Extreme Risk Protection Order Legislation 

In recent weeks, the Michigan House of Representatives passed extreme risk protection order (ERPO) legislation. Otherwise known as “red flag laws,” ERPO laws allow courts to temporarily remove firearms from those who pose a threat to themselves or others. This process has been proven to reduce the number of suicides from firearms and can be an important part of ending gun violence in America.

As the lead sponsor of the ERPO bill package, I am proud to see this legislation pass in the House of Representatives. I expect Gov. Whitmer to sign the legislation into law in the coming weeks.

Rep. Puri Introduces Legislation to Keep Lead Out of Schools

On March 23, I was proud to introduce bipartisan “Filter First” legislation with Reps. Cynthia Neeley and Curt VanderWall to require filtered drinking water stations to be installed in all schools and child care centers. The bills would also create a fund with money provided by the state to help cover the cost of installation. These bills were introduced last session and passed out of the Senate with bipartisan support, but unfortunately did not make it through the House before the end of the term.

No amount of lead exposure is safe for children. Filter First ensures our kids have access to safe, clean drinking water. Filter First legislation will make crucial progress toward providing free, clean water to Michiganders and I am proud to be a part of this bill package.

HBs 4340-42 currently await action in the House Committee on Health Policy. I am looking forward to these bills being voted favorably out of committee and taken up for a vote on the House floor in the coming months.

Rep. Puri Introduces Legislation to Recognize Religious and Cultural Holidays

On April 20, I, alongside state Reps. Abraham Aiyash and Sharon MacDonell, introduced legislation to recognize DiwaliVaisakhiEid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, and Lunar New Year as state holidays in Michigan. Additional legislation to recognize holidays celebrated within the Jewish community is also in the works.

When I ran for state representative, I ran to represent every member of my community and to work for all Michiganders. Establishing these holidays as state holidays is an important recognition of diversity, equity and inclusion in our state.

As our country continues to reach new levels of religious diversity, it is important that we extend recognition to create a more inclusive, accepting home for Michiganders.

Rep. Puri Introducing Legislation Updating Hate Crime Laws

As a Sikh-American, the father of three young boys and a member of our community, I’m disturbed by the stark rise in hate crimes in our state and country over the past few years. That is why I am a big proponent of updating our hate crime statutes to more accurately define, and justifiably penalize, hate crimes. Alongside state Reps. Noah Arbit and Kristian Grant, I’m introducing legislation that overhauls Michigan’s existing hate crime criminal statute, also known as “ethnic intimidation”.

Michigan’s hate crime law makes it a felony to maliciously cause, or by word or act credibly threaten to cause, physical contact with specific intent to intimidate or harass the victim because of their race, color, religion, gender or national origin. Our state has not amended the ethnic intimidation act once since its passage in 1988.

Our legislation would:

  • Rename the crime of ethnic intimidation to “hate crime,” and enumerates several new protected characteristics, including: sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical or mental disability, age and ethnicity.
  • Acknowledge the rising hate crimes of vandalism, destruction, defacement and desecration targeting houses of institutions associated with targeted communities. Currently, these crimes are not appropriately addressed in our criminal code. This bill names a new crime of “institutional desecration”. This approach gives the Michigan criminal code an appropriate tool with which to pursue justice and accountability for hate crimes targeting houses of worship and other communal institutions, including digital and online assets.

This package represents just the beginning of the work that is required to transform Michigan into a national leader in hate crime response. These bills are HB 447444754476 and 4477.


Meeting with Moms Demand Action Volunteers

I was honored to meet with volunteers from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. As a former Moms Demand Action volunteer, working to enact commonsense gun reform is one of the main reasons I ran for office. I applaud Moms Demand Action for their tireless advocacy, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside them, and others, to pass additional gun safety legislation in Michigan.

Puri with Mom's Demand Action


We are so excited to be launching a new community initiative! We need your help to recognize the amazing educators and small businesses in our community.

Starting next month, my team will be recognizing one teacher and one small business from Canton for their contributions to our community. I will be surprising the winners with a visit, a certificate from our office and social media shoutouts for their great work.

Use this form to nominate a teacher or small business that you love, appreciate or believe deserves special recognition.


Our office is always here to answer any questions, concerns or listen to any thoughts you have on any particular issue. The best way to reach us is by email at RanjeevPuri@house.mi.gov. Our team is working hard to respond to every email and voicemail left with our office in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience as we experience increased communications!