Speaker Tate on Whitmer’s State of the State Address

House Leader highlights forging the way for a better Michigan future

LANSING, Mich., Jan. 24, 2024 — Before a joint legislative session today, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered this year’s State of the State address. In the speech, the governor outlined her priorities to continue uplifting Michiganders at every stage of life, providing more opportunities for working families, investing even more in education and providing access to better care for older Michiganders and their support system. Speaker of the House Joe Tate (D-Detroit) issued the following statement in response to Whitmer’s address:

“We’ve been putting people first this legislative session — Michiganders can continue to count on Democrats for smart legislation that improves their lives in tangible ways. We are fast becoming an opportunity-rich state, meaning it’s possible to ‘Make it in Michigan.’ We’re diligently working to uplift our state’s most vulnerable residents out of poverty and into prosperity. 

“This is our moment as lawmakers to make a positive impact on individuals and families for the better and for generations to come. Democrats are investing in what matters the most — the people of Michigan. From historic education and community development reinvestments, tax credits for working families, tax rollback for seniors, and energy savings, Democrats have begun to make up for 40 years of disinvestment. We will continue building a better future where residents can thrive and not just survive. The future of Michigan is about growth — growing the economy and good-paying jobs, more access to better education and putting more money back in households across the state.”

Since gaining control of the House, Senate and governor’s office last year, Michigan Democrats have laid a strong foundation for our state by putting people first. The fundamental building blocks include repealing the retirement tax, increasing the working families tax credit (EITC), funding free breakfast and lunch for public school kids, ensuring better access to reproductive health care, improving public safety and so much more. With efforts including lowering prescription costs, bolstering our economy, and ensuring Michigan is a healthy and desirable state to live and work in, House Dems will continue to work, hammer and nail, for the brightest future for all Michiganders.
