LANSING – State Representative Sheldon Neeley (D-Flint) attended a press conference in Flint this afternoon where a plan to help solve the city of Flint’s water issue is being developed. The solution – awarding grants in response to multiple officials on the local and state level – is being proposed by the governor’s office.

“The plan proposed by Gov. Rick Snyder’s office is not a perfect solution but it is a step in the right direction,” Neeley said.

Rep. Neeley does, however, feel that this press conference is a step in the right direction to solving the crisis of dirty water that many feel is unsafe to bathe in or drink in the city of Flint.

“I know that the people of my community are hurting, and these friends and neighbors that look to me for help at the state level expect action,” Neeley said. “I am happy that the momentum for a plan to solve this issue is rising, and I look forward to continued discussions between the governor’s office, myself and other community leaders to bring clean water – a basic human right – to the city of Flint. I hope to see the governor’s office work with the Flint City Council to restore confidence in the water system city residents use.”