Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am most effective at my job when acting on your direct input. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have regarding our community or state and with any policy ideas. Please do not hesitate to reach out by phone at (517) 373-0822 or send an email to


Angela Witwer

State Representative, 76th House District

In This Issue:

  • Weekly Wrap-Ups
  • In-District Update
  • General Update
  • Legislative Update

Weekly Wrap-Up with Witwer

Please keep an eye out on my Facebook page for upcoming Weekly Wrap-ups scheduled in the coming months.

In-District Update

May Teacher of the Month: Sheryl Towe

Congratulations to our May Teacher of the Month award winner, Sheryl Towe! Sheryl is a math teacher at Charlotte Middle School.

To quote her nominator: “Mrs. Towe is a retired math teacher who has come out of retirement to become a part of our learning family. Our district had an unexpected math teacher opening mid-year. Anyone in education knows the challenges of trying to cover daily teachers’ jobs and midyear unexpected open positions. Mrs. Towe did not need to return to teaching math, she saw a need and gracefully took on the challenge. I am beyond thankful for what she has given to our school.

“Mrs. Towe is so much more than an amazing math teacher; she is a loving and energetic woman who treats her students as if they were a part of her family. She has helped to grow a positive culture within our district in one of the most difficult subjects in education. She has given confidence back to students and is helping them to gain momentum mathematically. But most importantly, her students know that she cares about them first as a person. Her impact is very deserving of recognition, and I hope that you will consider honoring her.”

On behalf of House District 76, congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, and thank you for all that you do for Eaton County. Charlotte Public Schools is lucky to have you!

June Teacher of the Month Nomination Link

Now that it is June, our office is again taking nominations for District 76’s Teacher of the Month program. We will be taking a pause from teacher nominations during summer break, and we will resume the nomination program when school is back in session in the fall. Please use the link below to nominate a teacher you believe should be recognized as an outstanding teacher in our district!

 June Nomination Link

Participated in McLaren Groundbreaking Ceremony

I had the honor of participating in the groundbreaking ceremony for the new McLaren Grand Ledge Delta Township Emergency Department and Ambulatory Care Center opening in the fall of 2025. Upon completion, this facility will be 34,000 square feet with 17 exam rooms and full imaging capabilities. There will be five new primary care providers and rotating specialists working in the new facility.

Currently, residents in Grand Ledge and the surrounding area have to drive 20 minutes to reach the nearest emergency care center. In critical situations, 20 minutes can be the difference between life and death. That is why it is exciting to see this new McLaren project coming to our district and to be able to celebrate the work that is being done to expand access to healthcare in the region.

Attended Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Delta Township-Eaton County Roundtable

It was great to join the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Delta Township-Eaton County business roundtable at the Lansing Community College West Campus. I provided a district and legislative update to our business community, education partners and local government leaders. Thank you to the Lansing Regional Chamber for hosting these monthly events!

Awarded Safety Patrol Students at Winans Elementary

I was invited to attend Waverly Community Schools to help honor their Safety Patrol students this year. I was also able to recognize Ava Matzen, a student who won the Safety Patrol of the Year award! Congratulations Ava and thank you to Waverly for the invitation to join you in recognizing the work of our great students!

Surprise Tribute for Sheila Iding

My office visited St. Gerard Catholic School to give a surprise tribute to Sheila Iding in honor of her retirement from teaching this year. Sheila has been an educator for 33 years, and she has meant a lot to the St. Gerard community. Thank you, Sheila, for all that you have done for St. Gerard. I hope you enjoy the happiest of retirements!

Office Participated in Constituent Services on the Road Event

Last week, my office joined Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s office, state Sen. Sarah Anthony’s office, the Secretary of State’s office, the Unemployment Insurance Agency, and the Department of Health and Human Services for a Constituent Services on the Road event at the Charlotte Community Library.

Held a Legislative Canvas Event in Delta Township

We had an amazing group of over 30 volunteers out in our district in Delta Township recently, knocking on over 1,300 doors. It was a beautiful day to be out in neighborhoods hearing directly from our constituents about their priorities and talking about our legislative efforts.

Welcomed Success Virtual Learning Center Students to Capitol

I recently welcomed the students of Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan Lansing West and Success Virtual Learning Centers of Michigan Lansing South for their tour of the Michigan Capitol.

The students joined me on the House floor, where we talked about all of the beauty and history this building has to offer. I always enjoy connecting with Eaton County’s young, bright minds.

Welcomed the Grand Ledge Varsity Pompon Team to the Capitol

State Rep. Emily Dievendorf and I had the honor of welcoming the Grand Ledge Pompon team to the state Capitol. In February, the team competed in the 45th annual Mid-American Pompon State Championships, where they successfully earned a Class A Division II State Champion title. This is the first time in the school’s history that the varsity pompon team has accomplished a state championship win. The team’s head coach, Devan Dodge, joined us on the House floor to receive a tribute recognizing the squad’s achievement.

Presented Tribute to the Maple Valley Baseball Team

My office attended a pep rally for the Maple Valley varsity baseball team. The Maple Valley community gathered to celebrate the baseball team’s accomplishments, including winning their first regional championship since 1975, and to wish them luck in the MHSAA Division 4 semifinals. In recognition of their achievements throughout the season, we presented a tribute to the team and coaches during the event.

General Update:

MiLEAP “Reach for the Pie” FAFSA Initiative

Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist joined the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) to launch “Reach for the Pie.” This initiative encourages Michigan students to complete their FAFSA forms and increase access to student aid.

By completing the FAFSA, class of 2024 students will be eligible to enter the contest for a chance to win free pizza for a year. The prize will be awarded to 100 randomly selected students. The deadline to enter the contest is June 30. To learn more about the program, click here.

Legislative Update

House Passed Budget

A few weeks ago, I joined my colleagues in passing the House budget. While it took a lot of work, our fiscally responsible and locally focused investments are making Michigan and its people stronger. With smart investments in housing, infrastructure, families and working people, Michigan is the place where people can find good-paying jobs, comfortably raise a family, start a thriving small business and retire comfortably.

House Passed Budget: $111 Million for Public Safety Trust Fund

At the heart of this budget is a commitment to the safety of Michiganders. By investing $111 million into the Public Safety and Violence Prevention Trust Fund, we are making Michigan a safer place to live. This will be done through supporting law enforcement, emergency response services and community violence prevention initiatives. This expansion of public safety lays the foundations for new growth and prosperity that all of our neighbors can build upon. Every dollar invested here leads to vibrant towns, comfortable villages and booming cities.

Update from the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

The second and final Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference occurred at the Capitol a few weeks ago. Economists from the House and Senate fiscal agencies and the State Budget Office reported Michigan’s economic outlook is healthy and stable and that our fiscal 2024-25 General Fund revenue estimate exceeds earlier projections by $534 million. This shows that smart, responsible budgeting is paying off for all Michiganders.


This week in session, the following bills were voted on:

House Bill 5179 (Rheingans): This bill would amend the Public Health Code to change the definition of the term “drug paraphernalia” for purposes of provisions that prohibit selling drug paraphernalia or offering it for sale and that govern material subject to forfeiture. Under the bill, testing products (such as fentanyl testing strips) that are used to determine whether a controlled substance contains chemicals, toxic substances or hazardous compounds in quantities that can cause death or physical harm would not be considered drug paraphernalia for purposes of the code.

Senate Bill 690 (Klinefelt): This bill would amend the Michigan Code of Military Justice, which provides the jurisdiction, powers and procedures for courts-martial in Michigan. State codes of military justice (for the National Guard) are required by federal law to be consistent with the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice, and Michigan’s code, enacted in 1980 and last amended in 2005, has fallen out of sync.

House Bills 5030-5032 (Coffia, Puri and Snyder)These bills would amend the State Housing Development Authority Act to modify provisions related to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA), including those related to the maximum cancellation prices of notes or bonds purchased by the authority, the scope of participation of the designated resident member of the authority, and the sales price limit for certain housing loans.

Senate Bill 682 (Damoose)This bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code prohibit operating a vehicle, bicycle or other device at a speed greater than 15 miles an hour on a highway in a political subdivision that prohibits the operation of nonemergency motor vehicles by ordinance, regulation or resolution — or, in a business district in such a political subdivision, at a speed greater than 10 miles an hour. (The bill would apply to Mackinac Island.) An individual found in violation would be guilty of a civil infraction.

Senate Bill 465 (Singh): This bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to prohibit the operator of a vehicle from following more closely than 200 feet behind a snowplow, except when legally overtaking or passing it. In addition, when a snowplow is stopped at or in an intersection, the operator of a vehicle who approaches it from behind would have to stop at least 20 feet away, unless the operator’s vehicle is another snowplow. A person violating the bill would be responsible for a civil infraction and would have to be ordered to pay a civil fine of up to $100

My Sponsored Legislation Signed Into Law This Term:

HB 4001

This bill repeals the retirement tax that has impacted our Michigan retirees living on a fixed income. Now, half a million households with public pensions, private pensions, IRAs, and 401ks with an employer match will all benefit from this law and save about $1,000 a year.

However, HB 4001 does more than repeal the retirement tax. It also quintuples the Michigan working families tax credit match of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to 30%, up from 6%. It will lift 25,000 working families out of poverty and deliver an average combined tax refund of $3,150 to 700,000 families, directly impacting nearly 1 million kids — almost half the kids in Michigan.

HB 4016

This bill was a supplemental appropriations bill that made historic investments in hospitals and health-care workers, supported home energy solutions, protected our environment, funded affordable housing, and attracted investments in manufacturing.

HB 4082

This bill renames a portion of a Michigan Highway, I-96 in Ionia County beginning at mile marker 76 and extending East to mile marker 77, in memory of Barry Lyn Hause, a road construction worker who tragically lost his life while on the job after being struck by a vehicle.

This newly designated Barry Lyn Hause Memorial Highway stands as a lasting memorial and serves as a reminder to us all to drive safely and to respect the sacrifices made by road construction workers like Barry.

HB 4197

This bill helps prevent the financial exploitation of seniors and other vulnerable adults by allowing broker-dealers and investment advisors to place temporary holds on disbursements of funds or securities when there is reason to believe that financial exploitation of a customer has occurred.

HB 4337

This bill amends a portion of M-50 in Eaton County currently named the “Ensign Francis Flaherty Memorial Highway” to be named the “Ensign Francis Flaherty Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway.”

HB 4437

This bill was the omnibus appropriations bill. As the Chair of House Appropriations, it was an honor to lead the House in listening to our communities to include their priorities. Our district had big wins – wins it has never seen before. Our wins include funding for local roads, sewer infrastructure for continued developments, police support, a new senior center, education support, a new city hall, teen center and much more.