Rep. Mai Xiong (D-Warren), center, speaking on Resolution 287 to honor World Refugee Day in Michigan, on June 20, 2024, on the House Floor in the Michigan Capitol Building.

LANSING, Mich., June 25, 2024 — State Rep. Mai Xiong (D-Warren) introduced a resolution in the Michigan House of Representatives to declare June 20, 2024, as World Refugee Day in Michigan, honoring the perseverance of refugees in Michigan and across the globe. House Resolution 287 reaffirms Michigan’s commitment to welcoming refugees and commemorates the strength of those affected by the world refugee crisis. Following her floor speech, Xiong issued the following statement:

“As a surviving refugee, I feel deeply proud to introduce a resolution that honors the stories of those who, like my family and me, sought refuge in America. Michigan is home to thousands of refugees who have greatly contributed to our state’s social, cultural and economic prosperity. I urge Michiganders to take this day as an opportunity to reflect on the strength of the millions of refugees across the world who were forced to flee their homes. This resolution recognizes the plight and positive contributions of our refugee neighbors, reestablishing Michigan as a safe place for everyone.” 
