LANSING, Mich., July 25, 2024 — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently signed into law House Bill 5056, a bipartisan piece of legislation that establishes a dedicated fund for the 4-H Foundation of Michigan. This initiative will support youth development and promote agricultural education across the state. Spearheaded by state Rep. Reggie Miller (D-Van Buren Township), HB 5056, part of a two bill package with state Rep. Matt Bierlein (R-Vassar) creates a financial resource to assist 4-H clubs in delivering programs that enhance leadership skills, foster community engagement and provide hands-on learning experiences in agriculture.

“Establishing a fund for the 4-H Foundation of Michigan is an investment in the future of Michigan agriculture and good citizenship,” Miller said. “I was honored to work across the aisle to ensure this legislation made its way across the finish line — it reflects Michigan’s commitment to nurturing the potential of the next generation and strengthening the social fabric of our state.”

The 4-H Foundation of Michigan plays a crucial role in communities throughout Michigan by offering young people opportunities to develop practical skills and a sense of responsibility. The fund established by HB 5056 will ensure that these programs can continue to grow and adapt to meet the needs of Michigan’s youth.
