Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am most effective at my job when acting on your direct input. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns you may have regarding our community or state and with any policy ideas. Please do not hesitate to reach out by phone at (517) 373-0822 or send an email to


Angela Witwer

State Representative, 76th House District

In This Issue:

  •       Weekly Wrap-Ups
  •       In-District Update
  •       Legislative Update


Weekly Wrap-Up with Witwer:

Please keep an eye out on my Facebook page for upcoming Weekly Wrap-ups scheduled in the coming months.

In District Update:

July Small Business of the Month — Joe’s Gizzard City

Congratulations to our July Small Business of the Month, Joe’s Gizzard City. Located in Potterville and passed down through many generations of the Bristol family, Joe’s Gizzard City has been open in Eaton County since 1960. The restaurant has even been featured on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives with Guy Fieri. The staff at Joe’s Gizzard City have been great hosts for the events I have had there in previous years.

August Small Business of the Month Nomination Form

Road Work Alert

The Michigan Department of Transportation is rebuilding the I-69 Business Loop (BL) (Cochran Ave.) bridge over the Battle Creek River in Charlotte, requiring crews to close the roadway until late October.

Governor Whitmer Appointment Announcements

  • Kelly Morton, 56th Circuit Court

Proud to announce the appointment of Judge Kelly Morton to Eaton County, 56th Circuit Court.

  • Adrianne Van Langvelde, 56A District Court

Proud to announce the appointment of Adrianne Van Langvelde to Eaton County, 56A District Court.

Presented June 2024 Teacher of the Month Certificate to Sallie Guy

I welcomed Sallie Guy and her family to the Michigan State Capitol for a tour and for the presentation of her June 2024 Teacher of the Month award certificate. Sallie was recognized for all her hard work and her ability to make learning and the classroom environment fun and exciting for her students at Lockwood Elementary.

Thank you again, Sallie, for your leadership and dedication as an educator, and congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!

Gave Legislative Update to Delta-Waverly Rotary Club

Earlier this week, I had the honor of giving a legislative update to the Delta Township Rotary. The work this group does to give back to our area is inspiring. If you are looking to become a member, we have several in our district with great friends and great service.

Attended Judge Kelly Morton’s Investiture to the Eaton County Circuit Court

I had the great privilege to attend and speak at my friend Judge Kelly Morton’s investiture to the Eaton County Circuit Court. Judge Morton and I became friends during our run for office and that friendship has grown out of deep respect and admiration. Thank you to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for appointing Judge Morton and thank you, Kelly, for your commitment to our community.

Tribute to Don Peto, 90-Year-Old Korean Conflict Veteran

Last month, I visited Charlotte VFW Auxiliary #2406. I am a member of this post. I presented Don Peto with a tribute from the state for his 90th birthday. Don served in the Korean conflict and is an MSU grad. It was an honor to be invited by family and friends to celebrate Don!

Memorial Tribute for Darrin Marty Martin from Olivet

Last month, I had the great honor of presenting a memorial tribute for Darrin Marty Martin. Marty owned and operated Truckin’ Awesome Food Truck in Olivet. Marty cherished the opportunity of serving his community and loved seeing the smiles it brought to their faces. He had a heart of gold and was always ready to help anyone in need. I spent some time with his wonderful family and friends. Thank you for the light you shine every day.

Presentation of HB 4082 to the Family of Barry Lyn Hause

Before my coffee hour last month, I had the opportunity to present House Bill 4082 to the family of Barry Lyn Hause. I met Barry’s sister while I was knocking doors in Charlotte, and she told me about this tragedy. House Bill 4082 was my bill signed into law last year that dedicates the portion of highway I-96 in Ionia County beginning at mile marker 76 and extending East to mile marker 77 as the “Barry Lyn Hause Memorial Highway.” In 2020, Barry was an operating engineer who tragically lost his life after being struck by a vehicle while on the job. It was an honor to be able to present the bill that was signed into law to his family and to see the highway sign dedicated to Barry be placed in his memory.

Presentation with the Windsor Township to Celebrate Budget Win

The Windsor Township Supervisor invited me to the Grand Point Subdivision meeting to be recognized for the $2 million allocated in the state budget for the Grandpoint Subdivision’s public water. We presented a check to the local officials in celebration of this huge win for local public water access and quality.

Presentation with Potterville City Council to Celebrate Budget Win

This year, I met with members of the Potterville city council to talk about the city’s water improvement needs. I worked with state Senator Sarah Anthony to save the community members money. Together, we were able to bring the entire $4 million dollars back to Potterville and fix the water issues. Senator Anthony and I attended the City of Potterville meeting and talked about the process and were thanked by the city council. It’s always been my goal to not just talk about things I want to do — but to deliver.

Presentation with Village of Vermontville to Celebrate Budget Win

The Village of Vermontville also talked with me about their water issues. I worked to help secure $2 million to help the residents address these water issues. I visited the Village during their council meeting to talk about this investment and present a check to local officials.

Welcomed EMS to Capitol for Tour

I always enjoy it when people from our district come and meet with me in the Capitol. When Eaton EMS came to me for help with new equipment and ambulances, it was my pleasure to give them a mini tour and welcome them into the House of Representatives. It is an honor to serve our area.

Participated in Groundbreaking Ceremony for U-M Sparrow Oncology and Infusion Center

Last week, I was honored to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony for the University of Michigan Health-Sparrow Eaton Oncology & Infusion Center in Charlotte. I am proud to have helped secure $2 million in funding in the state budget for this center, which will provide comprehensive cancer treatment services including infusions and supportive care closer to home for many families in Charlotte and the wider Eaton County community.

Legislative Update:

An infographic of accomplishments for Michigan State Representative and Appropriations Chair Angela Witwer from January to June 2024. Seven categories read: "66 bills and resolutions sponsored and cosponsored. 1,100+ constituent responses from our office. 11 coffee hours. 2,318 legislative doors knocked. 100% voting record. 124 tributes and certificates. 330+ community meetings."

Here’s a recap of my first six months of 2024! I’m proud to serve all Michiganders as Appropriations Chair, and especially the people of Eaton County and the 76 House District as your State Representative. My office and I work tirelessly to advocate for responsible community growth and communicate what’s happening at the Capitol. I look forward to continuing to produce high caliber legislation and services for our community through the remainder of 2024!

Participated in Press Conference with Attorney General Dana Nessel

Supporting our police and protecting our communities has always been a priority for me. Last week, I joined Attorney General Dana Nessel, members of the AG’s office and various attorneys and prosecutors from across the state to announce the launch of Operation Survivor Justice.

Operation Survivor Justice is a partnership between the Michigan Department of Attorney General, local county prosecutors and the U.S. Marshals Service that works to locate, apprehend and return to Michigan fugitive offenders with outstanding sexual assault warrants at a significantly lower cost compared to private extradition services. In the FY25 budget, we worked to include a $1 million appropriation for this initiative.

The unfortunate reality is that extraditing defendants back to Michigan can be a costly endeavor that many local prosecutor offices simply do not have the resources for. That’s why we decided to help remove these barriers by increasing financial support from the State, so survivors of sexual assault can begin to heal when perpetrators are finally brought to justice.

Press Release for the Event

Participated in Lowering Higher Education Costs with Lt. Gov. Gilchrist

I recently joined Lieutenant Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, Senator Sarah Anthony, Director of MiLEAP Dr. Beverly and faculty and students of Wayne County Community College for a Lowering Higher Education Costs event. This event celebrates the continued investments we’re making in Michigan students and in higher education through programs like Michigan Reconnect and the Tuition Incentive Program. Our smart school aid budget puts students first without raising taxes. We are working hard to keep the door of opportunity open for every student across the state.

Participated in K-12 Education Budget Signing

I joined Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and some of my colleagues in the House and the Senate in Flint last month for the signing into law of the K-12 education budget. This education budget proves that when we listen to our students, families and teachers, we can deliver smart, innovative investments that support every Michigan student’s education. From guaranteeing affordable college for every student to expanding Michigan’s pre-K program, it was an honor to work on a budget that uplifts our students every step of the way. As the future of our state’s workforce, our students do a lot for Michigan. Today, we’re giving back to them by putting their education first.

Attended FY25 State Budget Signing in Detroit

It was an exciting morning spent in Detroit last month for the signing of the FY25 state budget. I joined Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Mayor Mike Duggan, Speaker Joe Tate, Senate Majority Leader Senator Winnie Brinks, the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee state Senator Sarah Anthony and many more of my colleagues in the House and the Senate to celebrate the signing of our fiscally responsible budget that doesn’t raise taxes. This budget continues our commitment to put people over politics. We are making responsible investments in communities across Michigan, ensuring our state is a place everyone can find a job, start a family, open a business and live safely. These investments lay the groundwork to make real improvements to local infrastructure and create strong hometowns for Michiganders. Through investing in community revitalization, education and public safety, we are working to deliver stability people can depend on.

FY25 Eaton County Budget Highlights:

  • Statutory revenue sharing increase: 12.1%
  • $17 million for prosecutor grants with a $250,000 carveout for the Eaton County prosecutor
  • $5 million to Michigan Medicine for improved ground emergency transportation in Eaton County, EMS partnership with LCC and Survival Flight helicopters
  • $5 million for the Eaton County Intercounty Drain Project
  • $5 million for the Eaton Rapids Medical Center’s new inpatient wing
  • $1.5 million to Small Talk Child Advocacy Center AND $2 million to child advocacy centers in general
  • $700,000 for the Eaton County Fire Training Facility
  • Eaton County Water Infrastructure Investments:
    • $5 million for Grand Ledge
    • $2 million for Vermontville
    • $4 million for Potterville
    • $2 million for Dimondale

In the upcoming fiscal year 2025 budget, we are putting $598 million back into classrooms where it belongs. Savings per school district include:

      • Waverly Community Schools: $482 per pupil
      • Grand Ledge Public Schools: $363 per pupil
      • Eaton Rapids Public Schools: $422 per pupil
      • Olivet Community Schools: $345 per pupil
      • Charlotte Public Schools: $325 per pupil
      • Maple Valley Schools: $354 per pupil
      • Potterville Public Schools: $407 per pupil

I am committed to bringing home funding for our youngest Michiganders and ensuring our hometown schools have the tools needed to help students thrive.

FY25 Statewide Budget Wins

  • Future Farmers of America: $8 million
  • Public Safety Trust Fund: $75 million annually
  • Revenue Sharing Trust Fund: $75 million annually

My Sponsored Legislation Signed into Law This Term

HB 4001

This bill repeals the retirement tax that has impacted our Michigan retirees living on a fixed income. Now, half a million households with public pensions, private pensions, IRAs and 401ks with an employer match will all benefit from this law and save about $1,000 a year.

However, HB 4001 does more than repeal the retirement tax. It also quintuples the Michigan working families tax credit match of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to 30%, up from 6%. It will lift 25,000 working families out of poverty and deliver an average combined tax refund of $3,150 to 700,000 families, directly impacting nearly one million kids — almost half the kids in Michigan.

HB 4016

This bill was a supplemental appropriations bill signed into law last year that made historic investments in hospitals and health care workers, supported home energy solutions, protected our environment, funded affordable housing and attracted investments in manufacturing.

HB 4082

This bill renames a portion of a Michigan Highway, I-96 in Ionia County beginning at mile marker 76 and extending East to mile marker 77, in memory of Barry Lyn Hause, a road construction worker who tragically lost his life while on the job after being struck by a vehicle.

This newly designated Barry Lyn Hause Memorial Highway stands as a lasting memorial and serves as a reminder to us all to drive safely and to respect the sacrifices made by road construction workers like Barry.

HB 4197

This bill helps prevent the financial exploitation of seniors and other vulnerable adults by allowing broker-dealers and investment advisors to place temporary holds on disbursements of funds or securities when there is reason to believe that financial exploitation of a customer has occurred.

HB 4337

This bill amends a portion of M-50 in Eaton County currently named the, “Ensign Francis Flaherty Memorial Highway” to be named the “Ensign Francis Flaherty Medal of Honor Recipient Memorial Highway.”

HB 4437

This bill was the omnibus appropriations bill. As chair of House Appropriations, it was an honor to lead the House in listening to our communities to include their priorities. Our district had big wins — wins it has never seen before. Our wins include funding for local roads, sewer infrastructure for continued developments, police support, a new senior center, education support, a new city hall, teen center and much more.