LANSING, Mich., Sept. 16, 2024 — After the Detroit Lions game last night, an argument erupted that led to gun violence. Two Detroiters were killed as a result. The violence took place around 4:30 p.m. near Eastern Market. Police responded quickly and arrested the shooter; two guns were collected from the scene.

“The unfolding of last night’s events is incredibly tragic; violence took place, a firearm was used and lives were lost — that is not OK. The amount of firearm incidents Michigan has seen in the last few months is heartbreaking,” said Michigan Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention Chair state Rep. Felicia Brabec (D-Pittsfield Township). “We must do more to combat the loss of life from these weapons. Gun violence is never the answer; it is important to always remember that. My heart goes out to the families and friends of those we lost.”

“We cannot let gun violence become the norm of our everyday lives. Our communities should be safe for people to enjoy a football game without fear,” said Majority Floor Leader Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-Detroit). “There must be meaningful action taken in keeping our communities safe. I’m saddened each time we experience these types of senseless acts of violence as a community. This incident makes the work we are doing in Lansing more pressing to keep the public safe. We can’t continue to live like this. It’s heartbreaking when a community experiences something like this, where everyday events like going to the grocery store or school or going to a football game ends with gun violence. A gun should not be the first thing someone grabs when there is conflict. People shouldn’t have to live with the what-ifs of being safe in their community.”