LANSING —Yesterday, House Bills 5750-1 and 5953-54 — a bill package, which would set up newborn safety devices, referred to as “baby boxes,” at various participating hospitals, police and fire stations for anonymous newborn and infant surrendering — was passed in the House. In response, state Rep. Erika Geiss (D-Taylor), issued the following statement:
“This is a noble attempt to address a very serious problem within our society. However, I had too many unanswered questions that prevented me from supporting this bill. I am concerned that there are no clear protocals for how baby’s health would be monitored or assessed after it is anonymously relinquished at police or fire station instead of a hospital. There are also questions concerning oversight that without proper protocals, these ‘baby boxes’ could be used by someone with malicious intent to surprise or attack our first responders. With so many unanswered questions, I could not in good conscience support this legislation.
“I respect the attempt and reasoning behind it, but we must address the holes in this legislation before it can be implemented effectively and safely. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to address these issues moving forward.”