DETROIT — In light of numerous and concerning mishaps that occurred at polling stations across the city of Detroit on August 7, state Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (D-Detroit), chairwoman of the Detroit Caucus, issued the following statement:


“Fair and open elections are fundamental to who we are as Americans, but those elections mean nothing if they aren’t reliable. I am deeply concerned by the troubling issues that transpired at polling locations across the city of Detroit during Tuesday’s primary election. 


“I spoke with countless Detroit residents since Tuesday who told me of last minute polling location changes and of being turned away from the poll only to find that poll workers did not have accurate information.


“I call on Secretary of State Ruth Johnson and the Board of Canvassers to immediately begin audits of the city of Detroit’s election results to ensure that voting efficacy and confidence is preserved. It is our responsibility as state officials to ensure that poll workers are properly trained, that data is properly transferred and posted, and that communication to residents is proactive, timely and accurate. While these essential processes did not happen Tuesday, we must ensure that they happen in November.”

