LANSING — Today, the House of Representatives voted on the One Fair Wage and MI Time to Care citizen ballot initiatives, which would increase the minimum wage and guarantee paid sick leave for all, respectively. The proposals passed. In response, state Rep. Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield) issued the following statement:

“Today, Republicans pushed forward votes to pass the One Fair Wage and MI Time to Care citizen ballot initiatives. All Michiganders have the right to a decent minimum wage and earned paid sick leave – and they also deserve the right to vote on these proposals. By passing these proposals today, Republicans held on to their ability to gut and amend these proposals later this session. I refuse to participate in their con-job.  As someone who has always stood on the side of Michigan’s hardworking men and women, I couldn’t vote to hand over these proposals to the whims of Lansing Republicans. I will always stand on the side of working families, which is why I will take action to ensure that the initiatives’ core elements remain unscathed by partisan attacks to subvert the will of the people.”
