LANSING — Today, legislative leadership approved a resolution to reject Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s recent executive order, which would have reorganized the Department of Environmental Quality to better address and provide a clean environment and safe clean drinking water for all Michiganders. It also would have removed 3 review boards giving undue influence to corporate polluters. In response, state Rep. Nathan Shannon (D-Sterling Heights) issued the following statement

“For nearly a decade leadership in this state was asleep at the wheel when it came to environmental protection, and Michigan families suffered for it in a big way. That was part of why they overwhelmingly supported a change to the status quo when they elected Gov. Whitmer. This order represents the first step in the fight to undo that damage, and to make good on her promises to bring greater transparency and accountability to our government. Michigan families deserve leadership that prioritizes their health and safety, and that is something I will continue to fight for.”
