LANSING — In a last-minute push, the legislative majority turned House Bill 4397 into a giveaway to insurance companies instead of providing real relief to Michigan’s hardworking families. With no hearing or public input, this bill allows for large loopholes to avoid guaranteed lower rates without an end to discriminatory rate setting. Michigan’s auto insurance industry is one of the least regulated in the U.S. with Michigan drivers paying nearly two times more than drivers anywhere else in the nation, according to a University of Michigan study. In response, state Rep. Padma Kuppa (D-Troy) issued the following statement:

“I came to Lansing to work with all of my colleagues, regardless of their political views, to support our community. But tonight, I was disappointed by the effort to rush through this legislation. Actions like this erode the bipartisan spirit we agreed on at the beginning of this session and, even worse, will harm the families of Michigan who count on us to represent them. A plan that offers giveaways to insurance companies in the form of rate reduction loopholes while also failing to end discriminatory rate setting outright is a bad deal for Michiganders. We need real and lasting solutions.”

