LANSING — Today, House Republicans approved a resolution to reject Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s recent executive order which, among other things, eliminates three review boards the Legislature passed last year. These review boards allow corporate representatives to oversee the DEQ, now called EGLE under the Governor’s reorganization plan, and its permitting process. In response, state Rep. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) issued the following statement:

“Working families are tired of being ignored, and they elected Governor Whitmer to step up and address threats to our air and water. Michigan is nothing without the women, men and children who live here and they deserve to have their health, safety and wellbeing prioritized ahead of corporate profits. Access to clean, safe water is not some lofty partisan ideal; it is a fundamental freedom every Michigander should be able to rely on. Gov. Whitmer’s executive order moves Michigan in the right direction after years of inaction and neglect. As the voice of families in our community, the Legislature should support efforts to solve their problems, not fight to maintain the status quo.”