“In the past week, our Detroit community has lost a great deal with the passing of DPD Captain Johnathan Parnell, the dedicated Marlowe Stoudamire, mother of four Laneeka Barksdale, a selfless DPD emergency dispatcher, and many others whose names we may not know at this time.

“We are deeply saddened by these losses and offer our deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the dearly departed during these challenging times. We may not know every name going forward, but all stand beside one another in support and comfort with our heartfelt sympathies.

“This is a heartbreaking, stark reminder of just how this virus is impacting all of us, including the young and healthy, making it imperative for us to take action now to mitigate the impacts on Detroit’s future as best we can. May those we’ve lost serve as inspiration to us all as we fight toward a brighter tomorrow.”