State Reps. Kara Hope (D-Holt), Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit) and Julie M. Rogers (D-Kalamazoo) give testimony in the House Health Policy Committee on March 5, 2024.
LANSING, Mich., Jan 22, 2025 — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed several bills into law yesterday aimed at improving access to health care, including maternal, prenatal and reproductive care in Michigan.
Three of these bills, House Bills 4224, 4728 and 5825, were sponsored by former health policy chair, state Rep. Julie M. Rogers (D-Kalamazoo). The remaining eight bills made up a larger, bipartisan maternal health package. Beginning this year, several measures improving the quality of health care parents will receive before, during and after childbirth will officially go into effect, among several other positive developments.
Nearly all the bills within the Maternal Health Package, including House Bill 4728, received wide bipartisan support in both chambers of the Legislature. Collectively, these bills address alarming inequities in birth outcomes across the state, particularly for marginalized groups such as low income and women of color. Studies continue to show that maternal mortality and morbidity, particularly among women of color, has increased. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found that over 60% of pregnancy-related deaths could have been prevented if the focus was on the quality and safety of the maternal care system.
“As a practicing health care provider, I have seen the negative effects of health disparities firsthand,” Rogers said. “I am thrilled that many of the policies signed into law today will have a positive impact by reducing preventable deaths and improving maternal and infant health outcomes for Michigan families.”
The newly signed laws further prioritize the health of new parents and their children in a variety of ways, including implementing mental health screenings for new mothers, facilitating insurance provision for newborns, improved blood pressure monitoring, and overall improvements in prenatal care. Not only will the quality of care improve, but so also will insurance coverage. Several bills mandate that these improved health measures are covered by insurers, so new parents can worry less about their cost of care.
“Michiganders believe in setting kids up for success and providing early-on support to shape successful families,” said former state Rep. Rachel Hood (D-Grand Rapids), HB 5169 sponsor. “Identifying postpartum depression is a key step to ensuring early success. With these bills, medical professionals will be required to treat both physical and behavioral health needs of new moms, and that will support healthier kids and families.”
“This package will help ensure the health and safety of new mothers and their children,” said state Rep. Carol Glanville (D-Walker), HB 5172 sponsor. “Pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period can be a stressful time for new parents and can come with health challenges. These bills work to address the unique needs of maternal health care to ensure better outcomes for families.”
The Governor also signed House Bills 5435 and 5436 into law, which allows pharmacists to prescribe, dispense and require insurance coverage for hormonal contraceptives — eliminating barriers, such as lack of transportation and allowing Michiganders to take control of their reproductive rights.
“This legislation helps remove barriers to healthcare by allowing trusted community partners, our local pharmacists to prescribe hormonal contraceptives and insurers to cover it,” said state Rep. Stephanie A. Young (D-Detroit), HB 5435 sponsor. “I am reminded of a young woman from MSU who testified that she needs these medications to help regulate her menstrual cycle and making it easier to access would make her life a lot easier. I’m grateful we were able to get it done for her and the many others who will benefit by these laws.”
“Every Michigander deserves access to contraception,” said state Rep. Kara Hope (D-Holt), HB 5436 sponsor. “This legislation makes contraception more accessible, convenient and affordable.”
HB 5825, sponsored by Rogers, ensures another key provision of the Affordable Care Act regarding Medical Loss Ratios is protected in Michigan law. This policy requires insurance companies to spend at least 80% of their premium dollars on medical care in an effort to provide the greatest value for individuals. Several other states have codified the Medical Loss Ratio provision in their state statutes, bringing Michigan in line with much of the rest of the country.
In addition to maternal health updates, HB 4224 repeals unenforceable work requirements under the Healthy Michigan Plan; as of February 2023, there are now 800,144 people enrolled in the Healthy Michigan Plan. This increases primary care usage, reduces dependence on emergency rooms and strengthens our economy.
“The repeal of the burdensome work requirements provision is a win for Michiganders who cannot afford commercial health insurance,” Rogers said. “Medicaid is health care, period, and was never intended to be a jobs program. Timely access to affordable medical care, including preventative screenings, prioritizes the wellbeing of our communities, saves our state money and avoids costly emergency room visits. Given recent changes in federal leadership, this will help beneficiaries, who cannot work, keep their benefits and care. New parents and other marginalized groups will be able to rest easier knowing that Michigan takes their safety — both physical and mental — as well as the safety of their newborn seriously.”