LANSING — Today, Governor Snyder signed into law two Republican proposals to gut citizen-initiated laws to improve economic security for working families. In September, over the objections of Democrats and activists, the Legislature voted to keep the minimum wage increase and guaranteed paid sick leave proposals off the November ballot and give themselves the ability to gut the laws during lame duck. Senate Bills 1171 and 1175, signed into law today, dramatically reduced the strong wage and sick leave benefits that Michigan voters voiced their support for through the ballot initiative process. In response to today’s bill signing, state Rep. Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) issued the following statement:

“At the end of the month, Gov. Snyder will leave behind a legacy of prioritizing profits and corporate bottom lines above the needs of everyday Michiganders. By signing this legislation into law today, he deprives working families of the strong paycheck and good benefits they deserve. The people of Michigan should expect to have their voices heard and their choices respected, not to have outgoing elected officials undermine them on their way out the door.”

