LANSING — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer vetoed 147 line items from the Republican’s completed budget that was sent to her just four days before the start of the new fiscal year. The State Administrative Board then transferred $625 million across 13 budgets.

“I didn’t hear anyone running on managing the decline of Michigan last year, yet the Republican budget does just that,” said state Rep. Julie Brixie (D-Meridian Township). “Talking points don’t solve real problems that have lingered for decades. Real solutions and decisive leadership do. I commend Gov. Whitmer for holding Republican leadership accountable.”

Gov. Whitmer vetoed $375 million in one-time road funding, stating it “won’t do a damn thing to fix the roads”. The governor also nixed $132 million in what was described as GOP “pork”, including funding for Algebra Nation – a “swanky” proposal that included a trip to Florida for lawmakers.

“Over half of our fourth graders are not reading proficiently, we have the worst roads in the nation and have lead and PFAS contamination in communities across our state,” said Brixie. “We have a moral obligation to address the health, safety and education of our children and these administrative transfers are the foundation for that. Now it’s time for Republican lawmakers to acknowledge our infrastructure crisis so we can discuss how we’re going to fix it. These issues will only continue to worsen if we don’t.”
