BAY CITY – State Representative Charles Brunner (D-Bay City) has been selected by his colleagues to serve as Co-Chair of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Caucus for this legislative session. The bipartisan group works to advance the quality of life, economic vitality and regional cooperation of the Great Lakes Bay Region.

“The Great Lakes Bay Region has all kinds of assets that we need to promote aggressively in order to attract high-quality job providers and private investors to help revitalize our economy,” said Brunner, a lifelong Bay County resident and former Bay City mayor.

“I’m proud to help lead that effort, and I will also work to keep our region’s unique strengths and needs at the forefront in Lansing. The state needs to keep investing in protecting our Great Lakes, supporting the agriculture industry, growing renewable energy jobs and the other areas in which our region is a leader. I look forward to building bipartisan relationships in the Great Lakes Bay Regional Caucus so we can get results for our communities.”

The Caucus consists of State Representatives and Senators representing Bay, Saginaw and Midland counties.