Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Welcome to my latest e-newsletter! As always, I am most effective in my job when acting on your direct input. I encourage you to reach out to me and my staff with any questions, comments or concerns that you may have regarding our community or the state and with any policy ideas.

Please do not hesitate to reach out by phone at (517) 373-0853 or send an email to


Angela Witwer

State Representative, 71st House District

In This Issue:

  • Upcoming Coffee Hours
  • In the District
  • General Updates
  • Legislative Updates


Upcoming Coffee Hours

Please join me for one of my Weekly Wrap-ups with Witwer. You can find the virtual events on my Facebook page. Please also like and follow my page to stay connected with updates from the Capitol. I look forward to seeing you at a coffee hour soon!

Upcoming Coffee Hours:

  • 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 15, at The Brew Café in Delta Township
  • 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 22, Virtual
  • 11 a.m., Friday, Oct. 29, at Fay’s Evelyn Bay Coffee in Charlotte


In the District:

Walking in Our Community

During the Legislature’s in-district work period, I have been busy talking to folks in our community about the issues that are important to them. Since April, my team and I have knocked more than 19,000 doors and plan to knock more this month. I want to especially thank all the volunteers who came out. If there’s anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at or (517) 373-0853.

Celebrating National Walk to School Day

I celebrated Walk to School Day with the students of Charlotte Upper Elementary School earlier this week. It was so much fun to support these kids. These are literally some of the first steps that they’re taking independently. The students were taught to look both ways when crossing the street and to watch out for cars backing out of their driveways. The thing that I love about this event is that it brings the entire community together. By teaching walking safety, we’re helping them participate in a healthy activity that helps them see the world in a new way.


Nominations for Small Business of the Month

Each month, I’ll be showcasing a small business in District 71 in this newsletter and on social media. If you own a business or know of a business that you think should be recognized for its outstanding service to the community and its customers, please fill out the form here.

As a small business owner myself, I appreciate all the hard work that goes into owning and operating a small business. I also know how much small businesses benefit our community. I look forward to showcasing the excellent businesses in our district and reading your submissions!

Nominations for Teacher of the Month

Each month, I’ll also be highlighting one of our district’s teachers. Who among us hasn’t had a teacher who’s deeply affected our lives? We owe these exceptional teachers so much. The least that I can do is to shine a spotlight on these heroes who give so much of themselves for their communities. So, please, nominate one of the wonderful teachers in our district for Teacher of the Month here so we can celebrate all they do for our community!

General Updates:

Road Closures

Southbound I-69 ramp to Cochran Road will be closed until Oct. 31. Motorists should instead take M-50 (Shepherd Street) Exit 60 to access Cochran Road.

Starting at 7 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 11, the Ainger Road Bridge over I-69 will also be closed for preventive maintenance. It’s estimated that maintenance will be complete by Nov. 14.

This work is part of the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) ongoing $210 million investment to rebuild I-69 between Island Highway in Charlotte, Eaton County and I-94 in Marshall and Calhoun Counties. Gov. Whitmer’s Rebuilding Michigan program made funding for this project possible. These funds go toward rebuilding the highways and bridges that are critical to the state’s economy, including our very own ramp from I-69 to Cochran Road.

Application Open For Going PRO Talent Fund

The Going PRO Talent Fund is now accepting applications from Michigan employers.

The Going PRO Talent Fund offers grants to Michigan businesses to help them offer training and professional development in high-demand, skilled trades industries. Since it began, the Going PRO Talent Fund has provided training for more than 121,000 Michigan workers and supported more than 40,000 businesses. Participating employers define their key training needs, then work with their local Michigan Works! Service Center and other partners to develop an appropriate training plan.

Businesses interested in learning more or applying for funding should contact their local Michigan Works! Service Center, which you can find here.

Legislative Update:

Fiscal Year 2022 Budget

Last Wednesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a budget for the upcoming fiscal year that includes investments in childcare, infrastructure, health care and economic development. I applaud my colleagues in the Legislature for passing this budget and Gov. Whitmer for signing it into law.


The fiscal year 2022 budget includes:

  • Over $100 million for clean drinking water initiatives, the Great Lakes, contaminated site cleanups and high-water infrastructure grants.
  • $100 million in new community revitalization grants to redevelop neighborhoods and support small businesses.
  • Full funding for Michigan Reconnect and Futures for Frontliners, which support higher education and skills training.
  • A 5% increase in funding for universities and community colleges.
  • Funding for professional development training and body cameras for the Michigan State Police.
  • About $2.7 billion in federal relief funds for mortgage assistance and home repairs, water affordability, energy assistance, and transportation.
  • Nearly $200 million for over 100 local bridge projects.
  • Over $50 million for senior care.

I’m pleased that we were able to work across the aisle to ensure that these common-sense priorities receive the support they deserve. This budget promises to improve the lives of Michiganders for generations to come.

Supporting Training by Professional and Trades Groups

I’m pleased to inform you that last week, House Bill 5260, which I sponsored, was voted out of the House Regulatory Reform Committee and this week was read on the House Floor for the second time. I’m optimistic that this bill will receive bipartisan support and be passed into law. The bill would allow qualified trade organizations to offer the education necessary for used car dealers. This is a no-brainer: many professions provide the training mandated by the state in order to maintain one’s license. Trade groups and professional associations provide state-required training all the time. It shouldn’t be any different for car dealers.

Treating Opioid Overdoses

The House Health Policy Committee passed House Bill 5163. I sponsored this bill to ensure that emergency rooms are prepared to address opioid overdoses and connect those suffering from the disease of addiction to continuing treatment. Did you know that between 2000 and 2019, deaths from opioid overdoses in Michigan rose nearly 1,100%? This is a major public health crisis, and we need to address it as such. I’m going to do my best to make sure that those suffering from addiction get the medical attention they need.

Passing Bipartisan Child Care Legislation

I was proud to support the childcare package that the House passed with strong bipartisan support. About 75% of children in Michigan live in areas with limited access to childcare. It’s heartening to see that Democrats and Republicans can come together to make sure that our kids get the care they need. The package:

  • HB 5041: Allows family and group childcare homes to increase their child-to-provider ratio to make sure that all children receive the care they need.
  • HB 5042: Closes loopholes so those childcare providers who lost their licenses cannot start new child care centers.
  • HB 5043: Offers support to home-based childcare
  • HB 5044: Requires the Department of Education to develop a contract model to increase the number of care providers for infants and toddlers.
  • HB 5045: Requires the results of any special investigation on a childcare provider conducted over the last three years to be made public.
  • HB 5046: Allows childcare providers 90 days to comply with new regulations.
  • HB 5047: Allows childcare providers to post their licensing records online.
  • HB 5048: Provides criteria for childcare providers to ensure the safety of children in multi-occupancy facilities.

Honoring Rep. Andrea Schroeder

Yesterday in the House, we honored state Rep. Andrea Schroeder, who passed away last week after a long battle with stomach cancer. Rep. Schroeder was a loving wife, mother, daughter and sister. She was adedicated and passionate public servant and friend to all. The fact that she won her seat while undergoing treatment is a testament to her tremendous inner strength. I extend my most sincere condolences to her friends and family.