Dear Neighbor,

Welcome to the latest edition of my e-newsletter. I am excited to share with you updates from Lansing!

Remember, our government is most effective when we engage with it. I want to hear what matters most to you, how I can help address your needs and what you want me to fight for at the Capitol. My staff and I are always here to talk about ways we can improve our community. You can reach me at or (517) 373-0827.

In service,

Kelly Breen

State Representative, 38th House District

Whitmer’s Budget Recommendations 

Gov. Whitmer recently released her fiscal year 2023 budget recommendation, and she laid out a budget that works for all Michiganders. Her budget recommendation makes the tax system fairer and gives relief where it’s needed most. Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit will give working families a boost, putting more money into their pockets that they’ll spend in the local economy. The budget will also responsibly phase out the retirement tax so Michigan’s older adults can enjoy their golden years and retire with dignity. Her budget recommendation includes $3 billion for our essential workers, including health care workers, first responders and frontline workers. These heroes risked their lives during the pandemic to keep our society functioning. They helped us when we needed it the most, and they deserve to be rewarded for their service.

Gov. Whitmer has also proposed an $18.4 billion investment in education. Every child deserves access to a quality education, no matter where they live. While last year’s historic investments in preK-12 education were a great first step, we must continue to repair the damage done to our public schools by years of underfunding. The proposed budget would include a 5% increase for per-student funding, making it the largest amount in state history. It would also include additional funding and enhanced support for rural school districts and those with a greater proportion of students receiving special education services, English language learners, and at-risk economically disadvantaged students.

To see more of the governor’s budget recommendations, you can visit here.

Infrastructure Survey 

We want to hear from you! The House Dems want to hear from constituents about how and where to spend federal infrastructure funding. The page hosts a survey that lets people choose what their community needs to be added or upgraded. Follow the link above to let us know what you would like to see us do to improve District 38!

School Safety Day

I introduced HR 225 recognizing Feb. 4 as School Safety Awareness Day in the state of Michigan, but the safety of our children should not be limited to a single day. On Friday, Feb. 4, activists with Oxford Strong, a community and statewide movement of citizens wearing navy and gold, joined others gathered at various schools to support not only our kids, parents and educators in Oxford but also all victims of school violence. Many school districts are embracing this movement for the entire month of February.

Violence has many roots. As a member of the School Safety Task Force, I understand no single solution will address it. But there ARE things that could help. We can — and we must — do better. The status quo is unacceptable. Our kids and educators have a right to attend schools that are safe and free of violence and harassment.

Schools and communities across our state lack the mental health experts, counselors, social workers and psychologists to identify and assist students showing warning signs for depression and violence.

Upcoming Capitol Conversations:

One of the things I enjoy most about my job is getting out into the community to talk with neighbors and hear what issues matter to them. I’m hosting a series of conversations this year, and I invite you to stop by to express your thoughts on the issues that surround our community.

Saturday, Feb. 26, at 11 a.m. via Facebook Live

Saturday, March 26, at 11 a.m. via Facebook Live

Helpful Resources

Coronavirus Info –

Michigan 2-1-1 –

COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) – CERA Program

State Emergency Relief (SER) –

Apply for a Home Heating Credit at

Unemployment Benefits –

Small Business Assistance – and

State Rep. Kelly Breen –

State Senate –

State House of Representatives –

Michigan Legislature –

U.S. Senate –

U.S. House of Representatives –