Dear Neighbor,

Welcome to my e-newsletter! I’m honored and humbled to serve as our community’s voice at the Capitol in Lansing. As we enter into a new legislative term, rest assured that the challenges families in our community and state are facing are at the top of my legislative priorities. Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office by phone at (517) 373-0152 or email at if we can help.


Amos O’Neal

State Representative, 95th House District

In this issue:

  • Community Conversation Follow Up.
  • Happy Holidays.

Community Conversation – Follow Up 

On Dec. 15 at 6 p.m., we had our very last Community Conversation of 2022 on Facebook Live! I was so excited to have had this discussion about food security and maternal/infant health with our very own Tina Swanton, director of program development at Michigan Health Improvement Alliance Inc. We did have some technical difficulties with her presentation slides, so please do not hesitate to reach out to my office if you would like copies of them.

We also made the announcement that next year in addition to these Facebook live conversations, we will begin hosting in-person coffee hours. This will be a great opportunity to come out and discuss any issues you may have that I need to be more aware of. I am looking forward to staying active in the community and getting to hear from all of you. Stay tuned for dates to be released on those events next year.

Happy Holidays! 

With a storm approaching this evening and into tomorrow, I hope everyone travels safe this holiday season.

Happy Holidays