Dear Neighbor,

I hope everyone has been staying cool with the hot and humid summer weather we’ve had this season. Below are a few updates and highlights from the past month, including updates on what was included in this year’s state budget. I am proud to have brought in over $40 million in state policy and district funding since taking office.

Bipartisan 4-H License Plate Bills Signed Into Law

The 4-H youth program is such an important part of not only agriculture, but also young people learning about leadership. My Republican colleague and I got to work on a way to raise money for this very important program. The bipartisan bill package comprised House Bills 5056 and 5058. I got this package passed out of the House and in June with nearly unanimous support, and the Senate passed it 38-0 at the end of June. On July 30, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed these bills into law. These bills will create fundraising for our state’s 4-H program through the sale of 4-H license plates. I’m proud to have worked with my Republican colleagues to create legislation that empowers the 4-H youth in our state. This is a critical step in the development of our state’s future farmers and agricultural scientists.

Funding for Monroe County Community College

For over a year now, I have fought and finally succeeded in securing funding for the Monroe County Community College’s capital outlay program to renovate and expand the Welch Center for Health and Public Safety. This funding came to $10.9 million and was finally approved in the budget and signed into law by Gov. Whitmer in July. These funds will go toward renovation and expansion and will add critically needed classroom and laboratory spaces for registered nursing, practical nursing, certified nursing assistant (CNA) and respiratory therapy programs. Additionally, it will add classroom and laboratory space to allow for the creation of new programs and forge new partnerships with local health care providers. The MCCC Criminal Justice program will also be relocated into the building with dedicated space needed to ultimately expand the program into accredited Police, Fire and Paramedic Academy. These funds will greatly benefit Monroe County and the surrounding communities by expanding options for career development and increasing public safety.

Increased Funding for Double Up Food Bucks

I advocated for this year’s budget to include additional funding for the Double Up Food Bucks (DUFB) program. DUFB supported over 211,000 Michigan households and 782 Michigan farms in 2023 by providing a dollar-to-dollar match (up to $20/day) at participating grocery stores and farmers markets for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables with a Bridge Card. On April 30, I spoke during a session in support of my legislation, House Concurrent Resolution 14, calling on the federal government to increase funding for Michigan’s DUFB program. In this year’s state budget, DUFB received $3 million in additional funding, for a total of $5 million in ongoing statewide funding. This was something that I felt very passionate about and immediately saw the need to expand this program across Michigan.

Buying food is expensive right now, especially for our neighbors struggling to put food on the table. DUFB has proven to be an essential resource for many families to eat nutritional meals while also supporting our local farmers. The program is currently available at 230+ participating farmers markets, farm stands, and grocery stores across Michigan. This increase in funding will allow this widely successful program to expand into more stores and markets and to benefit more families and farmers. More information about this great program can be found here.

Supported County Fairs

I’ve recently had the pleasure of visiting our district’s amazing county fairs. My first visit was to the Lenawee County Fair, where I attended the 4-H Market Beef Show. During my visit, I also enjoyed meeting with members of the Britton Macon Classic Clovers 4-H Club. Founded in 1924, the Classic Clovers are Michigan’s oldest 4-H club and are celebrating their 100-year anniversary this year. Congratulations, Clovers, on your centennial!

I also attended the Wayne County Fair, where I participated in the 4-H livestock auction. I bought 2 chickens and made a personal donation to resell/donate them to help fund Wayne County 4-H’s projects next year!

Finally, I visited the Monroe County Fair and had the honor of attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new Emergency Response to Accidents Involving Livestock (ERAIL) trailer. Every year in Michigan, we have over 200,000 trucks transporting precious livestock. Safe transportation is something we all prioritize, especially when animals are involved, but sometimes, no matter how safe you are, accidents happen. Responding to issues involving livestock in a safe, efficient manner requires training and resources for our first responders. Having this trailer and the supplies ready to go is a vital step in ensuring Monroe County can respond to these types of situations.

This ERAIL trailer was purchased by the state for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. This will help the sheriff’s department respond safely to emergency situations involving animals. I’d like to highlight the dedication of MDARD, MSU and our amazing local law enforcement and their commitment to community safety and welfare.

Supported the Dundee Bicentennial Proclamation

The village of Dundee is celebrating its bicentennial this month! On July 26, I delivered a proclamation at the Old Mill to the village of Dundee to celebrate this historic event. Dundee has grown over the last few decades, doubling its population in the last 30 years. Despite these changes, Dundee has managed to maintain its small-town spirit and charm. Congratulations to all the residents of Dundee on 200 amazing years!

The FY 2025 Budget Has Been Signed Into Law

At the end of June, we passed the fiscal year 2025 budget. Gov. Whitmer signed the budget into law in July. This budget will help uplift our farmers, improve local government services and ensure more fresh fruits and vegetables at the kitchen table. It represents a commitment to stronger and safer main streets, healthier families and a more sustainable Michigan for all residents. The budget totals $82.5 billion, and includes $15 billion in general spending, along with $19 billion from the School Aid Fund. There are several items that will specifically benefit communities in House District 31, including Belleville, Sumpter, Monroe, Dundee, Romulus and Van Buren Township. Some of these benefits include:

  • $10.9 million for Monroe Community College Capital outlay.
  • $5 million for Wayne Road repairs in Romulus.
  • $4 million to support new housing in Dundee.
  • $1 million for Romulus Public Safety initiatives
  • $1 million for Romulus roads.
  • $750,000 for Belleville Horizon Park Lake erosion project.
  • $500,000 to repair the Van Buren Quirk Road Intersection.
  • $25,000 for Sumpter Township Park improvements.
  • $5 million in statewide funding, an increase of $3 million from the current year, for Double Up Food Bucks, which makes the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables more affordable.
  • An additional $75 million in revenue sharing for local governments, bringing more funds back to our community.
  • $2.5 million in additional funding to support firefighters and other first responders with PTSD.
  • $5.1 million to support the SEEDS nonprofit’s environmental education and climate resiliency research efforts.

MDARD Update on Avian Flu

On May 1, MDARD Director Dr. Tim Boring signed a Determination of Extraordinary Emergency, “HPAI Risk Reduction Response Order” to protect Michigan’s poultry and livestock industries from highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). This order went into effect on May 8 and applies to all of Michigan’s dairy and commercial poultry facilities.

The emergency order requires the following measures:

All Michigan dairy farms, as well as poultry operations considered commercial by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), must develop and implement biosecurity practices that include:

  • Designation of a biosecurity manager.
  • Designation of a line of separation to represent the perimeter of a secure area, limiting access points.
  • Establishment of cleaning and disinfection practices and procedures at those access points for both vehicles and individuals. This must include deliveries of feed and other supplies and training for employees.
  • Establishment of a logbook maintaining a record of all vehicles and of individuals who have gotten out of vehicles and crossed those access points, to be retained and made available for examination upon request by MDARD.
  • All lactating dairy cattle, and those in the last two months of pregnancy, are prohibited from being exhibited until there are no new cases of HPAI in dairy cattle in Michigan for at least 60 consecutive days. No dairy cattle of any age from an infected premises may be exhibited until further notice.
  • All exhibitions or expositions of poultry are prohibited until such time that there are no new cases of HPAI in domestic poultry in Michigan for at least 30 consecutive days. As defined in the Animal Industry Act, “poultry” means, but is not limited to, chickens, guinea fowl, turkeys, waterfowl, pigeons, doves, peafowl and game birds that are propagated and maintained under the husbandry of humans (MCL 287.703(iii)).

On June 26, Dr. Boring amended the HRRRO, effective July 1, to include the following:

  • Any cattle not lactating nor in the final two months of pregnancy originating from any licensed dairy farm premises intended to be exhibited at Michigan fairs, exhibitions or expositions must demonstrate to fair, exhibition or exposition officials upon arrival at the grounds a negative HPAI A(H5N1) test that has been conducted in the last seven (7) days.
  • Permissible tests include:
    • Nasal swab tests on the individual animal being exhibited, or
    • Milk bulk tank sample test from the dairy farm.
  • Fairs, exhibitions or expositions must keep a list of all exhibitors of livestock including poultry with contact information including home addresses, phone numbers and email addresses, and must provide it to the department upon request.
  • Fairs, exhibitions or expositions with livestock including poultry must have signage educating the public about biosecurity at the entry and exit of every barn housing livestock including poultry for exhibition, including handwashing, and maintaining a safe distance from animals.

The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that beginning July 1, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will begin accepting applications through its updated Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP) to provide financial assistance to eligible dairy producers who incur milk losses due to HPAI A(H5N1). FSA expanded ELAP through the rule-making process to assist with a portion of financial losses resulting from reduced milk production when cattle are removed from commercial milking in dairy herds having a confirmed positive HPAI A(H5N1) test. Positive test results must be confirmed through the USDA APHIS’ National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL).

More information about MDARD’s emergency response order can be found here, and updates from the FDA can be found here.

At this time, four people in the U.S. have become infected with HPAI from dairy cow exposure. Two of these people have been farmworkers in Michigan who were exposed to infected cattle. At this time, none of the counties in our district are known to have HPAI infections. Counties with HPAI-infected cattle are currently Allegan, Barry, Calhoun, Clinton, Gratiot, Ingham, Ionia, Isabella, Montcalm, Newaygo, Ottawa and Van Buren. Up-to-date information from MDARD, including maps of counties with confirmed cases and the option to sign up for HPAI email updates, can be found here. MDARD press releases about HPAI can be found here.


Reggie Miller Signature

State Representative Reggie Miller

Michigan’s 31st District

Office Phone: (517) 373-0159
