Dear Neighbor,
Welcome to my first e-newsletter of the 103rd Legislature! I am honored and privileged to be your state representative for Michigan’s new 10th House District, which encompasses East and Northeast Detroit (Yorkshire Woods, Cornerstone Village, East English Village, Morningside), most of Grosse Pointe cities and Harper Woods.

State Rep. Veronica Paiz (D-Harper Woods) takes the oath of office from Michigan Supreme Court Justice Kyra Harris Bolden with her husband, Alex by her side.
On Jan. 8, all state representatives took the oath of office during our first session day of the new legislative term. It was a wonderful time of excitement, camaraderie and eagerness to get to work. This term marks a new Republican majority in the House (the Senate continues with Democratic majority). As with any new legislature, there will be learning curves and challenges on both sides of the aisle. I am glad to say that I have established good working relationships with all my House colleagues, and I look forward to the good work we can accomplish together.

State Rep. Veronica Paiz (D-Harper Woods) with her office staff, James Sklar and Abby Locke.
Only weeks into the new year, it’s been a busy time for all House members. I’m pleased to say that my office staff (aka Team Paiz) has stayed on for this new legislative term. Abby Locke is Constituent Services Director and our office point-of-contact and has been a part of the team since January of last year. Abby is an MSU grad and interned with a former State Representative. Having family nearby, she is familiar with our District and its concerns. James Sklar is Legislative/Policy Director for the new 10th District. James has been a part of Team Paiz since 2023. His government experience includes having interned in the White House under President Obama, as an intern for a former State House minority leader, and as a legislative staffer for a former House Representative. James has a law degree from MSU.
In my next newsletter, I’ll update you on my committee assignments, upcoming coffee/conversation hours and other legislative news. In the meantime, reach out to my office if we can be of assistance, or to let me know of your legislative concerns. Visit my stateside website at to contact my office.
Veronica A. Paiz
Representative, District 10